Provided by Tauil & Chequer Advogados in association with Mayer Brown
Tauil & Chequer Advogados in association with Mayer Brown provides a full range of legal services to local and foreign companies, underwriters, institutional investors and financial institutions in different matters related to capital markets and securitization, financing and fund formation in Brazil.
We offer advisory services related to the construction and application of capital markets legislation in Brazil, particularly in matters of the Brazilian Central Bank (BACEN) and the Brazilian Securities Commission (CVM) competence. These services include consultations and opinions regarding the related regulations and the defense of administrative proceedings and guidance on compliance matters in connection with the National Monetary Council (CMN) regulatory acts. In addition, we provide advisory services in matters related to: the amendments of the by-laws of companies aiming at going public in the special listing segments of the São Paulo stock exchange - BM&FBOVESPA (Levels 1 and 2, Novo Mercado and BOVESPA Mais); the preparation of periodical information required by CVM, including the formulário de referência; the cancelation of the company registration as public company; and the representation of our clients in debenture holders and shareholders meetings.