
Provided by VdA

Our team holds extensive experience and knowledge in all aspects of competition law and market regulation as well as in EU law. We have been involved in some of the most important and widely publicized cases involving the application of competition rules in Portugal and have contributed to the implementation and follow-up of competition compliance programmes designed to avoid the risk of breaching applicable legislation in the area. Our practice’s experience ranges from: agreements between undertakings restrictive of competition, abuses of dominant position, abuses of economic dependence, mergers and State aid, including private enforcement, to issues raised by the liberalisation and deregulation of markets (e.g. electronic communications, postal services, energy and transportation)
For a comprehensive list of the services we provide both internationally and in the Portugal, visit the VdA website for more details: http://vda.pt/en

Ranked Lawyers at

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Competition/European Law

Nuno Ruiz
Nuno Ruiz
Band 1
Ricardo Bordalo Junqueiro
Ricardo Bordalo Junqueiro
Band 1
Cláudia Coutinho da Costa
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