
Provided by Vouga Abogados

We are the very leading, and “go to” practice in high level and complex corporate and commercial disputes. Our reputation in this area has developed hand in hand with our market leading corporate practice. This means that we have a depth and broad of knowledge and insight into a vast array of business related legal areas enabling us to efficiently and effectively protect and defend our clients' interests in litigation.

We also have a very strong disputes practice in a very wide spectrum of both domestic and international litigation and ADR, including some of the largest and more complex arbitration disputes.

Our lawyers' international education and experience in cross-cultural environments are particularly suited to serve foreign businesses' interests in Paraguay.

The department has also actively invested time and resources in particular in the organization of internal processes to improve expeditious processing of cases and work flows.

Vouga has sucessfully achieved very important court decisions over the last year. This includes a favorable judgment from the Supreme Court in favor of an international client in one of the largest lawsuits in Paraguay's history in terms of amount claimed. Likewise, we can also point out a recent string of four key favorable decisions in important in different labour lawsuits with high amounts at stake brought against multinational clients, all that in contrast with the low chances employers face before local labour courts.

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Vouga Abogados

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Dispute Resolution

Mirtha Dos Santos
Mirtha Dos Santos
Head of Dispute Resolution
Band 1


Provided by Vouga Abogados

Elio Aguero

Jorge Gonzalez

Marcela Dos Santos

Mirtha Dos Santos

Mirtha Dos Santos

Head of Department

Rodolfo Vouga Muller

Rodolfo Vouga Muller

Head of Department

Sebastián Silva

Silvia Benitez

Viviana Gómez


Provided by Vouga Abogados

Alternative Dispute Resolution

Due diligence reports on ongoing litigation and likely areas of contention

Enforcement of foreign judgments and arbitral awards in Paraguay

Legal opinions on the application of both substantive and procedural Paraguayan law


Representation throughout the entire justice system in Paraguay