
Provided by Young Conaway Stargatt & Taylor LLP

As an epicenter of high-stakes intellectual property litigation, the Delaware courts, particularly the United States District Court for the District of Delaware and the Delaware Court of Chancery, regularly adjudicate some of the nation’s most important intellectual property disputes. Whether the dispute concerns patent or trademark rights, protection of trade secrets and proprietary information, or a license for use of intellectual property, these cases are marked by deep complexities in their points of law, their technical subject matter, their multiplicity of claims, and their large troves of discovery material. In these cases, our experienced team provides deep insights into the inner workings of our court system, its procedures, and the preferences and inclinations of its judges.

We serve both as co-counsel to major national law firms and as sole counsel to a wide range of companies with IP issues. Our attorneys are known for their ability to understand the technologies at issue and then translate the material into compelling narratives. In an IP environment where the law constantly changes to keep pace with advances in technology, our technical acumen, persuasive writing, and compelling legal arguments frequently lay the foundation for successful outcomes.

Ranked Lawyers at
Young Conaway Stargatt & Taylor LLP

Provided by Chambers
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Intellectual Property

Adam Poff
Adam Poff
Head of Intellectual Property
Band 2
Anne Shea Gaza
Anne Shea Gaza
Head of Intellectual Property
Band 2
Pilar G. Kraman
Pilar G. Kraman
Band 3


Provided by Young Conaway Stargatt & Taylor LLP

Adam Hubbi

Adam Poff

Adam Poff

Head of Department

Anne Shea Gaza

Anne Shea Gaza

Head of Department

James Higgins

Karen Pascale

Melanie Sharp

Pilar Kraman

Robert Vrana

Samantha Wilson