
Provided by Zuzunaga Assereto Abogados

Zuzunaga, Assereto & Zegarra Abogados is a law firm specialized in providing highly sophisticated services in Tax Law.  The firm provides services to companies from different sectors of economy, as well as national and international organisations and individuals, with special emphasis on value generation, teamwork and customised services.

The leadership and expertise of the firm are based on the experience of our founding partners, who have worked together for more than two decades, standing out in both private practice and public office.

Besides their professional expertise, the firm members have a clear academic profile, being many of them engaged in academic activities in Law Schools and graduate programs of Peruvian and foreign universities.

Tax law experts covering corporate investments and high net worth individuals. Regularly advises clients in major infrastructure projects, mainly in the extractive and energy industries, including the planning and implementation of social investments and legal transfer pricing issues. The firm guides companies in cross-border structuring, M&A, joint- ventures, debt-equity transactions, and compliance obligations. Advises clients with tax audits in administrative and judicial procedures.

Ranked Lawyers at
Zuzunaga Assereto Abogados

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Fernando Zuzunaga del Pino
Fernando Zuzunaga del Pino
Band 1
Juan José Assereto Bossio
Juan José Assereto Bossio
Band 3
Lorgio Moreno
Lorgio Moreno
Band 3
Luciana Yáñez
Luciana Yáñez
Band 4
Jorge Figueroa
Jorge Figueroa
Associates to watch


Provided by Zuzunaga Assereto Abogados

Boart Longyear S.A.C. (Boart Longyear Group)

Compañía Minera Kolpa S.A.

Compañía Minera Zafranal S.A.C.

Compañía de Minas Buenaventura S.A.A.

Consorcio Transmantaro S.A. (ISA Group)

Enel Group

Fluor Group

Fénix Power Perú S.A.

Gas Natural de Lima y Callao S.A. (Cálidda)

Glencore Group

Haug S.A.

Inkia Group

Marcobre S.A.C. (Breca Group)

Minera Barrick Misquichilca S.A. (Barrick Gold Corporation)

Minsur S.A.

PEPSICO Alimentos Perú S.R.L.

Petróleos del Perú - Petroperu S.A.

Red de Energía del Perú S.A. (ISA Group)

Rio Tinto Minera Perú Limitada S.A.C. (Rio Tinto Group)

Siemens S.A.C.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Ultramar Group

Unión de Cervecerías Peruanas Backus & Johnston S.A.A.


Provided by Zuzunaga Assereto Abogados

Charities / Not for Profit

Construction & Materials

Consumer Product Manufacturing


Food & Drink Producers

Industrial Engineering

Mining & Metals

Private Clients / Individuals

Real Estate

Software & Computer Services

