About Alvarez & Marsal:
- Global Reach:80+ offices across 35+ countries in the Americas, Europe, Asia, the Middle East and Australia
- Number of employees worldwide:9,000+
Firm Overview:
Privately held since its founding in 1983, Alvarez & Marsal (A&M) is a leading global professional services firm that provides advisory, business performance improvement and turnaround management services. The firm's senior leaders and their teams help organisations transform operations, catapult growth and accelerate results through decisive action. Comprised of experienced operators, world-class consultants, former regulators, law enforcement and industry authorities, A&M leverages its restructuring heritage to turn change into a strategic business asset, manage risk and unlock value at every stage of growth.
A&M’s Disputes and Investigations (DI) professionals draw on their expertise in disputes, investigations and compliance, forensic technology, cyber risk and expert testimony to provide clients with independent and highly qualified advice. A&M’s team is experienced in working with outside counsel, boards of directors, audit and special committees, fiduciaries (examiners, independent monitors, independent compliance consultants, receivers, trustees) and with the management teams of public and privately held companies.
Disputes and Investigations Services:
A&M's team conducts rigorous financial and economic analysis to help resolve a range of disputes — from internal matters to litigation — from the boardroom to the courtroom. A&M’s team is adept at providing in-depth analysis of complex financial transactions, preparing comprehensive reports, and providing compelling expert testimony before courts and tribunals.
A&M works closely with law firms, companies, financial institutions, insurance companies and stakeholders to assist in the financial evaluation of the liability and damage phases of a dispute. This includes discovery support, analysis, privileged consulting and expert testimony on complex finance, accounting, economic and operational matters.
Investigations & Compliance
A&M’s investigations and compliance team comprises a diverse group of seasoned experts in major markets and financial centres throughout the world. The firm brings preeminent financial, accounting, economic, regulatory, compliance, industry and technical experience to clients. Its top-tier team of professionals have experience in business investigations, business intelligence, crisis management, litigation consulting, compliance consulting and monitoring, accounting irregularities, forensic technology and expert testimony. The team articulates complex findings in a clear and meaningful manner, including in the context of regulatory investigations.
Working together with organisations’ in-house general counsel and external counsel, A&M offers full-scope investigation services, including electronic evidence collection and preservation, forensic data analytics, forensic analysis of accounting and other data, email review, fact-gathering and investigative interviews, targeted transaction testing, and other matter-specific, tailored investigative techniques. The team also specialises in analysing a compliance department’s function in real-time; identifying opportunities for timely remediation; and persuasively presenting findings to regulators and law enforcement.
Independent Monitorships and Independent Compliance Consultants
A&M has deep experience in every phase of working on a potential regulator-imposed independent monitorship—including executing pre-resolution compliance design, testing and remediation meant to avoid the need for a monitor; working as independent monitors; working for independent monitors and compliance consultants to independently monitor companies’ compliance programs; and working for companies under monitorship to reduce the strain that monitorships necessarily impose by acting as facilitating compliance improvement and acting as an intermediary between the company and monitor.
A&M has worked on a significant number of monitorships and compliance consultancies over the past several years, including those imposed by the US Securities & Exchange Commission, US Department of Justice, Commodity Futures Trading Commission, US Federal Reserve and others. A&M’s compliance monitorships have covered market conduct in commodities and equities markets, corruption (including Foreign Corrupt Practices Act), financial reporting, and other subjects.
Forensic Technology
A&M effectively uses technology to uncover and manage evidence and intelligence in contentious legal, regulatory and compliance matters. A&M’s technology experts specialise in eDiscovery and eDisclosure management, digital forensics, forensic data analytics, information risk and governance, and privacy and data compliance.
To ensure efficient delivery, the firm uses advanced technology in every dispute or investigative matter. A&M offers bespoke forensic technology solutions to meet each client’s unique needs and business objectives. By integrating forensic technology into each of its matters, A&M delivers powerful insights while yielding direct cost savings for its clients. The firm combines its forensic expertise with industry-leading technology to design and execute auditable, repeatable, and defensible procedures.
Cyber Risk & Incident Response Services
A&M’s global cyber risk services assist boards and management teams in understanding their organisation’s cyber risk, developing and implementing cyber resilience strategies and incident response readiness programs and providing effective cyber and forensic response when incidents do arise. The firm's methods are grounded in guidance from the regulatory and industry frameworks and best practices that govern their clients’ specific business. A&M helps the board of directors and top management to understand, evaluate and effectively manage cyber risks, to justify cyber security investments by the reduction of the related business risk below the company’s risk appetite.
A&M's global team of cybersecurity experts, strategically set up in specific locations around the world, provide prioritised findings, observations, recommendations and a roadmap for gap closure. The firm uses expertly developed methodologies, tools and techniques to identify vulnerabilities and design and implement programs to improve organisations’ overall cyber resilience.
Ranked Offices
Provided by Alvarez & Marsal
- New York600 Madison Avenue, New York, New York, USA, NY 10022
- Web: www.alvarezandmarsal.com
- Tel: +1 212 759 4433
- Fax: +1 212 759 5532
- View ranked office
- Hong KongRooms 1101-1103 MassMutual Tower 38 Gloucester Road , Hong Kong, Hong Kong, ChinaView ranked office
- Frankfurt am MainAlte Rothofstraße 2-4 , Frankfurt am Main, Hessen, Germany, 60313View ranked office
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