Arthur J. Gallagher & Co
Litigation Support Guide 2024

Firm Details: Gallagher Insurance Brokers Ltd
Joint Practice Heads: Alan Pratten & Steve Jones
Firm Overview:
Gallagher prides itself on solving problems with creative, leading edge insurance solutions for parties to the dispute, Solicitors, Litigation Funders and Insolvency Practioners
Achieving certainty in an uncertain legal Environment: To mitigate risk and bring greater certainty to outcomes the Litigation market needs a team with expertise, experience, meticulous attention to detail and market clout. One which is ‘frequently lauded as a standout firm by wider market sources. And that’s us.
Whether you’re a law firm or litigation funder, you seek dispute resolution insurances that can give confidence to pursue the claim. With every case being different we have to be able to offer bespoke dispute resolution insurance solutions that reduce risk, inspire confidence and increase positive outcomes for you and your clients. And we do that by being inquisitive and challenging to get to the root of the issue; by maximising the intellectual power of a team littered with experienced professionals from the insurance and the legal profession; by being meticulous in our approach to detail and deadlines and by harnessing the strength of our insurer relationships and buying power.
Key Cases
Gallagher cases are exclusively large commercial disputes, often with an international element. Gallagher does not operate in the personal injury sector or in “high volume, low value” cases.
The following is a list of some of the most notable cases they have been involved in over recent years:
UK Supreme Court Cases:
• WM Morrisons Supermarkets plc (Appellant) v Various Claimants (Respondent)
• Richard Lloyd (Respondent) V Google LLC (Appellant)
• Kymab Ltd (Appellant) V Regeneron Pharmacuticals Ltd (Respondent)
• Singularis Holdings Ltd (In Official Liquidation) (A Company Incorporated in the Cayman Islands) (Respondent) v Daiwa Capital Markets Europe Ltd (Appellant)
Other Notable Cases:
• 550 Sub Post-Masters V The Post Office
• Visa & MasterCard (interchange) litigation
• Road Haulage Association (Truck Cartel)
• RBS Group Litigation
Whilst adverse costs insurance (“ATE”) is the core of our offering we supplement this with an extremely diverse range of other insurance based products that respond to the varied litigation needs of their clients, these include:
Adverse Costs (ATE) insurance for the insureds’ legal liability for opponents’ costs following an adverse costs order.
Security for costs converts the opponents’ costs policy to a non-cancellable & non-avoidable security instrument.
Cross undertakings as to damages insurance for the claimants’ legal liability to the opponent and / or any third parties, who have suffered financial loss due to an injunction.
Law firm contingency (CFA/DBA) insurance is a way for law firms to offer their clients a contingent retainer, whilst managing the risk that if a case is lost the law firm will earn no income. Cover is available for law firms liabilities under the retainer including counsel’s fees, other disbursements and up to 50% of WIP costs if the case is unsuccessful.
Capital Protection Insurance (for Funders) insures some or all of the funds deployed by a litigation funder in bringing a legal action in the event the case is unsuccessful and they are unable to yield a return.
Judgment preservation insurance the financial impact of a verdict or determination favourable to the insured being reversed on appeal.
Arbitration Proceedings award default insurance the default risk of the Sovereign State, being unable or unwilling to pay following a successful Arbitration Award.
Litigation Buy Out Insurance the insurer assumes some or all of the Defendants liability for damages, and potentially defence costs, associated with litigation. This allows Defendants to exchange unknown contingent liabilities on their balance sheet to a certain, fixed premium.
Please visit these short videos for a greater explanation of some of our insurance solutions:
Ranked Offices
Provided by Arthur J. Gallagher & Co
- LondonFirst Floor The Walbrook Building 25 Walbrook , London, Greater London, UK, EC4N 8AW
- Web:
- Tel: 0207 234 4014
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