Managing Partners: Carla Bordoli, Cristián Doren
Number of partners: 2
Number of other lawyers: 5
Competition: Carla Bordoli - Cristián Doren
Technology, Media & Telecommunication: Cristián Doren
Energy: Vicente Manríquez
Consumer Protection: Piero Rojas
Transportation: Carla Bordoli
Dispute Resolution: Fernanda Villena - Valentina Crisóstomo
Firm Overview:
Bordoli Doren Abogados was established in 2014 as a specialised boutique law firm whose main areas of practice are competition law and economic regulation. The vast experience of its partners merges to address and solve its clients’ problems from a wide perspective, harmonising their objectives with the risks that each of their decisions may cause to their business. Teamwork and creativeness in finding appropriate solutions for the clients is also a trademark of the law firm, which is highly esteemed by its clients. The firm has highly qualified lawyers, who graduated from the most prestigious law school of the country.Main Areas of Practice:
The firm’s competition practice represents a wide variety of public and private sector clients, in all aspects of competition. Private counselling has included the carrying out of Compliance Programs for important retail actors and the detail study of merger proceedings, among many other topics. It has also included the legal representation of private clients before the Fiscalía Nacional Económica and the Antitrust Court. Likewise, the firm has provided counsel in the drafting of future legislation in order for it to comply with competition regulation.
Technology, Media & Telecommunications:
The firm’s telecommunications practice has assisted private and public institutions on regulatory matters. Among others, it assisted the sectorial regulator, Subtel, on competition and regulatory matters related to the National Plan of Telecommunications Infrastructure. It has also counselled private clients on regulatory controversies with telecommunication companies.
The firm’s energy practice represents clients that participate in the private and public sector. The firm has provided legal counsel the most important electricity generators in the country on regulatory matters, and has represented private and public institutions before the Electricity Market Experts Panel (a dispute resolution organism for technical controversies in the electricity market).
Consumer protection:
The consumer protection practice involves preventive counseling and representing clients before the tribunals and the Consumer Protection Agency. The firm has represented the interests of defendants in class actions and in individual law suits. Regarding the preventive counseling, apart from the day to day consultations, the firm has experience designing and implementing compliance programs.
The firm’s transportation practice has assessed public entities, such as the Ministerio de Transporte y Telecomunicaciones (MTT) and Empresa de los Ferrocarriles del Estado (EFE). In the case of the MTT, the firm counselled in regards to the regulation of port concessions and in the design and implementation of auctions related to the public transportation services in the Metropolitan Region.
Dispute Resolution:
The firm’s dispute resolution practice has assessed a variety of clients in several law suits, as plaintiff or as defendants. The firm works hand in hand with its clients elaborating the best strategies to accomplish the latter’s interests. The firm has provided legal assistance in extremely complex cases, in which the counterpart has been the State. The firm also has a specialised practice area regarding lawsuits in consumer protection cases, for a particular retail client.
Luxottica Chile SpA, Ópticas GMO Chile S.A., Walmart Chile, Colbún, Samsung Chile, Canal 13, Ferrocarriles del Estado (EFE).
English, Spanish.
Ranked Offices
Provided by Bordoli Doren Abogados
- Santiago de ChileAugusto Leguía Sur N° 160, oficina 71, Las Condes, Santiago de Chile, Santiago, Chile, 755 02 57
- Web: www.bdyl.cl
- Tel: +56 (02) 23705373
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