Partners: Nuala Doyle, Gaëlle Felly, Laure-Hélène Gaicio-Fievez, Linda Harroch, Isabel Høg-Jensen, Cécile Jager, Michaël Kitai, Laurent Lazard, Evelyn Maher, Pol Mellina, Anne Morel, Christèle Pierre-Alexandre, Daniel Riedel, Jean Steffen, Alain Steichen, Fabio Trevisan, Elodie Vincent, Nicolas Widung
Number of partners: 18
Number of lawyers: 70
Languages: Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Italian, Lithuanian, Luxembourgish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Turkish
Firm Overview:
BSP is an independent full-service law firm based in Luxembourg. It is committed to providing the best legal services to its domestic and international clients in all aspects of Luxembourg business law. Talented and multilingual, its teams of lawyers work side by side with clients to help them reach their objectives and support them with tailor-made legal advice, creating in the process professional relationships based on mutual trust and respect. Building on the synergy of its different professional experiences and the richness of its diverse cultural background, BSP stands ready to meet its clients’ legal needs, no matter how challenging they are.
Main Areas of Practice:
AML Compliance
Banking & Finance
Capital Markets
Data Protection & Privacy
Dispute Resolution
Employment, Compensation & Benefits
Intellectual Property & General Commercial
Investment Management
Private Equity
Private Wealth & Business Planning
Real Estate & Construction
Startup & Fintech
The firm covers the full spectrum of risk management and corporate compliance issues that the regulatory environment generates.
Banking & Finance
Banking & Financial Services:
The banking and financial services team advises credit institutions and other professionals of the financial sector on the entire spectrum of regulatory matters relating to their business activity and assists them in their dealings with the Luxembourg Financial Sector Authority.
Bank Lending, Structured Finance & Securitisation:
The firm’s bank lending, structured finance and securitisation team represents its clients in every aspect of their bank lending and structured finance deals.
Capital Markets:
As a result of its extensive experience in advising clients in both equity and debt transactions, the firm has become one of the ‘go-to firms’ for capital markets matters. It advises on stand-alone bond issues, convertible bonds and exchangeable bonds, establishment and maintenance of debt issuance programmes and debt-related structured products. The team is also very active on the equity capital markets side and advises on the full spectrum of equity-linked transactions.
Corporate Corporate & M&A:
The corporate and M&A team has significant expertise representing domestic and international leading corporations, public and private companies, investment banks, private equity firms and other investors in complex M&A transactions. Acting for corporate buyers and sellers, the firm provides on-going advice on general company law matters and solutions on all corporate law issues. The firm also regularly advises on corporate governance issues.
Insolvency & Restructuring:
The firm’s multidisciplinary team provides comprehensive and practical advice on a wide range of Luxembourg bankruptcy and insolvency issues. The firm frequently represents clients in non-judicial debt restructurings including the refinancing or renegotiation of existing debt; helping them to assess the strength of their security in a bankruptcy or insolvency scenario and to develop efficient and ground-breaking solutions that maximise value for them.
Private Equity:
The firm advises many of the most prominent private equity funds worldwide and major financial institutions, now representing a benchmark for private equity in Luxembourg. The dedicated team has the necessary commitment and know-how to advise investors across the entire investment deal life-cycle.
Data Protection & Privacy:
The data protection team has successfully assisted multinational organisations in the design and implementation of privacy and security programs, audit, risk assessments and in developing policies concerning the whole data life-cycle.
Dispute Resolution
Being familiar with arbitration proceedings enables the firm to offer its clients assistance, representation and advice at all stages of the process. The firm acts in ad hoc arbitrations as well as in domestic and international arbitrations in Luxembourg covering both Luxembourg and foreign rules, including those of the International Court of Arbitration (ICC), the London Court of International Arbitration (LCIA), ICSID, and the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL/CNUCID). Furthermore, the department has valuable expertise in other forms of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) such as mediation.
The firm handles a full spectrum of matters from significant routine matters to large international and high profile disputes in a wide range of substantive areas. Advising clients at all stages of contentious matters, the department also has great deal of expertise in other forms of alternative dispute resolution such as mediation, conciliation and negotiation.
Employment, Compensation & Benefits:
The firm assists on all aspects of labour law and counsels on both routine and non-routine issues relating to employment, compensation and benefits laws. From implementing preventive measures to representing clients in labour courts and in out-of-court dispute resolutions, the team assists in both individual and collective employment relationships.
Intellectual Property & General Commercial:
The firm is specialised in enforcing and defending intellectual property rights. The team are also experts in drafting and negotiating internet and e-commerce contracts and outsourcing and commercial agreements.
Investment Management:
The firm has a strong and well-established expertise in all areas of investment funds law. The practice ranges from the more standardised regulated vehicles, such as UCITS (SICAV, FCP), SIF, SICAR and RAIF, to unregulated funds and securitisation vehicles; from the set-up of management companies and Alternative Investment Fund Managers, to the restructuring of complex groups of funds. The firm can provide expertise and resources required for the success of your initiative in many areas such as plain vanilla mutual funds, real estate, private equity and venture capital funds, loan origination and loan participation funds, distressed debt funds and carbon funds.
Private Wealth & Business Planning:
The firm advises not only high and ultra-high net worth individuals and families but also the private banks, trust companies and family offices. It helps clients to manage and transfer wealth, protect family interests, seize the best opportunities at the best possible time and plan for the future, while minimising complications.
Real Estate & Construction:
The firm has significant experience in real estate matters, including the financing, planning, zoning, construction, sales, rentals, sales and lease backs. Its clients include conglomerates acting worldwide in the real estate sector and funds specialising in real estate acquisitions and management.
Start up & Fintech:
The firm’s startup and fintech team is passionate about fuelling innovation and fostering emerging companies, fintechs, startups and innovators. As a result, the firm has developed a dedicated program to encourage them adopting a team-based approach to provide the most substantive and practical legal advice.
The firm’s team of tax lawyers and advisors provides highly specialised advice on wide range of matters, including transactions (disposals, acquisitions and joint ventures), tax planning (inward and outward investment, holding and financing structures and group reorganisations), tax audits and litigation, value added tax, creation of all forms of collective investment vehicles, transfer pricing, structured financial products (securitisations and tax enhanced debt financings).
Ranked Offices
Provided by BSP
- Luxembourg11, rue du Château d’Eau, Leudelange, Luxembourg, Luxembourg, Luxembourg, L-3364
- Web: www.bsp.lu
- Tel: +352 26025-1
- Fax: +352 26025-999
- View ranked office
Latest contributions provided by BSP

All contributions provided by BSP
BSP rankings

Articles, highlights and press releases
39 items provided by BSP
A new Senior Counsel and new promotions at BSP
BSP is pleased to announce the arrival of Françoise Pfeiffer, who has joined the Banking & Finance and Capital Markets department as Senior Counsel, and the promotion of three counsels, four senior associates and three associates, as of 1st January 2025.
BSP with Hamilton Lane on the innovative creation of a new DLT-registered share class
BSP has advised Hamilton Lane in relation to the creation of an innovative share class to be maintained on a share register using blockchain-based distributed ledger technology (DLT) for their USD 3.8bn regulated Luxembourg fund (Hamilton Lane Global Private Assets Fund).
BSP with Hamilton Lane on the innovative creation of a new DLT-registered share class
BSP has advised Hamilton Lane in relation to the creation of an innovative share class to be maintained on a share register using blockchain-based distributed ledger technology (DLT) for their USD 3.8bn regulated Luxembourg fund (Hamilton Lane Global Private Assets Fund).
BSP with Hamilton Lane on the innovative creation of a new DLT-registered share class
BSP has advised Hamilton Lane in relation to the creation of an innovative share class to be maintained on a share register using blockchain-based distributed ledger technology (DLT) for their USD 3.8bn regulated Luxembourg fund (Hamilton Lane Global Private Assets Fund).
BSP advising Cobham on cash acquisition of Ultra electronics Holdings plc
BSP, with a team led by Linda Harroch, Partner and Head of the Private Equity department, acted as Luxembourg counsel to Cobham Group on the acquisition of the entire share capital of Ultra Electronics Holdings plc
BSP advising Cobham on cash acquisition of Ultra electronics Holdings plc
BSP, with a team led by Linda Harroch, Partner and Head of the Private Equity department, acted as Luxembourg counsel to Cobham Group on the acquisition of the entire share capital of Ultra Electronics Holdings plc
BSP advising Cobham on cash acquisition of Ultra electronics Holdings plc
BSP, with a team led by Linda Harroch, Partner and Head of the Private Equity department, acted as Luxembourg counsel to Cobham Group on the acquisition of the entire share capital of Ultra Electronics Holdings plc
BSP advising Cobham on cash acquisition of Ultra electronics Holdings plc
BSP, with a team led by Linda Harroch, Partner and Head of the Private Equity department, acted as Luxembourg counsel to Cobham Group on the acquisition of the entire share capital of Ultra Electronics Holdings plc
BSP announces new partner promotions
BSP is pleased to announce the promotion of four new partners, effective 1st January 2022. The partnership now consists of 16 partners, 9 women and 7 men.
BSP in the US$500m sustainability-linked senior secured borrowing base financing to Sucafina
Pierre-Alexandre Degehet, Partner at BSP, assisted by Kateryna Nevmerzhytska, Associate, has acted as Luxembourg counsel supporting ING Bank N.V. and a group of international banks on the successful closing of a US$500m sustainability-linked senior secured borrowing base financing to Geneva-based c
BSP in the merger of Nexi with Nets deed to form European PayTech
The team led by Linda Harroch, Partner and Head of the Private Equity department at BSP, and composed of Yseult Tournebize, Counsel, acted as Luxembourg counsel, assisting Nexi in the merger with Nets. The combined Group will be a leading European PayTech with unique capabilities, distribution netwo
Luxembourg courts to reaffirm their national sovereignty
The Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran offers the opportunity to Luxembourg courts to reaffirm their national sovereignty
BSP announces a new promotion as partner within the firm
After the announcement of six new promotions within the firm in January, BSP is now pleased to announce the promotion of Michaël Kitai to partner.
Evelyn Maher is Head of the Investment Management Department at BSP
BSP is happy to announce that Evelyn Maher is the new Head of the Investment Management department.
Abuse of Law in Relation with Use of SPFs
In a judgment handed down on 12 November 2019, the Luxembourg Lower Administrative Court ruled in favour of the disallowance of interest expenses paid under bonds held by a family wealth management company, a société de gestion de patrimoine familial ("SPF"), on the grounds of abuse of law.
Preliminary Question to Constitutional Court on Retroactivity of Tax Laws
On 26 November 2019, the Luxembourg Higher Administrative Court (Cour administrative) referred a preliminary question to the Constitutional Court (Cour constitutionnelle) concerning the compatibility with the Constitution, and more specifically with the principle of the rule of law, of the change of
Luxembourg Parliament Adopts Budget Law 2020 and ATAD 2
On 19 December 2019, the Luxembourg Parliament voted to approve the 2020 Budget Law (the "Budget Law"), which introduces several tax related measures
OECD Releases its "Global Anti-Base Erosion" Proposal (Pillar II)
On 8 November 2019, the Organisation of Economic Cooperation and Development ("OECD") published a public consultation document asking for comments on its Global Anti-Base Erosion ("GloBE") Pillar II proposal. This follows the publication of the OECD Secretariat’s "Unified Approach" under Pillar I.
OECD Releases its "Unified Approach" Proposal (Pillar I)
In October 2019, the Organisation of Economic Cooperation and Development ("OECD") published a public consultation document on the so-called "Unified Approach" under Pillar I.
Parent-Subsidiary Directive and Gibraltar Companies
On 24 October 2019, Advocate General ("AG") Hogan published his opinion in the case ‘GVC Services (Bulgaria)’ EOOD v Direktor na Direktsia Obzhalvane i danachno-osiguritelna praktika – Sofia (Case C-458/18) pending in front of the European Court of Justice ("ECJ")
As of 1 January 2020, Luxembourg’s already comprehensive double tax treaty network has been expanded, by the entry into force of a new double tax treaty with Kosovo.
Benchmark Regulation | CSSF Communication
On 24 December 2019, the CSSF published a communiqué (the "Communication") regarding Regulation (EU) 2016/1011 on indices used as benchmarks (the "Benchmark Regulation") addressed to all entities which are subject to the CSSF’s supervision and which are using benchmarks (the "Concerned Entities").
Sustainable Finance | Recent Developments
On 9 December 2019 the European Parliament and the Council adopted two new regulations relating to sustainable finance in the context of the European Union’s aim to strengthen the response to climate change.
Crowdfunding | EU Rules Agreed
On 27 March 2019, the European Parliament adopted a legislative resolution on the proposal for a regulation on European Crowdfunding Service Providers ("ECSP").
Liquidity Risk Management | CSSF Circular 19/733
On 20 December 2019, the CSSF published Circular 19/733 on liquidity risk management for open-ended undertakings for collective investment (the "Circular").
PRIIPS Assessment Reminder | CSSF Press Release 19/60
On 11 December 2019, the CSSF published press release 19/60 (the "Press Release") reminding that pursuant to press release 19/28 published on 1 July 2019 all SIFs, Part II UCIs and SICARs are obliged to complete an online assessment about the impact of Regulation 1286/2014 on key information ...
New UCI Applications Via eDesk | CSSF Press Release 19/45
As and from 1 November 2019, applications for new UCI approvals (i.e. UCITS, UCI Part II, SIF and SICAR) not yet registered on the official list, will have to be submitted via the CSSF’s new eDesk portal. Applications via email will no longer be accepted.
On 4 December 2019, ESMA published updated Questions and Answers ("Q&A") on the application of the Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive ("AIFMD").
AML/CFT CSSF Guidance on Compliance by Registered AIFMS and 2019 ML/TF Survey
On 5 December 2019, the CSSF published a communication summarizing results of an AML/CFT questionnaire as well as an AML/CFT conference concerning registered AIFMs and Self-Managed Non-AIFs which took place on 3 December 2019 (the "Communication").
AML/CFT CSSF FAQ on Responsible Persons for a Luxembourg Investment Fund or Investment Fund Manager
On 25 November 2019, the CSSF issued its FAQ on persons responsible for AML/CTF compliance for a Luxembourg Investment Fund or Investment Fund Manager supervised by the CSSF.
A new Senior Counsel and new promotions at BSP
BSP is pleased to announce the arrival of Françoise Pfeiffer, who has joined the Banking & Finance and Capital Markets department as Senior Counsel, and the promotion of three counsels, four senior associates and three associates, as of 1st January 2025.
BSP with Hamilton Lane on the innovative creation of a new DLT-registered share class
BSP has advised Hamilton Lane in relation to the creation of an innovative share class to be maintained on a share register using blockchain-based distributed ledger technology (DLT) for their USD 3.8bn regulated Luxembourg fund (Hamilton Lane Global Private Assets Fund).
BSP with Hamilton Lane on the innovative creation of a new DLT-registered share class
BSP has advised Hamilton Lane in relation to the creation of an innovative share class to be maintained on a share register using blockchain-based distributed ledger technology (DLT) for their USD 3.8bn regulated Luxembourg fund (Hamilton Lane Global Private Assets Fund).
BSP with Hamilton Lane on the innovative creation of a new DLT-registered share class
BSP has advised Hamilton Lane in relation to the creation of an innovative share class to be maintained on a share register using blockchain-based distributed ledger technology (DLT) for their USD 3.8bn regulated Luxembourg fund (Hamilton Lane Global Private Assets Fund).
BSP advising Cobham on cash acquisition of Ultra electronics Holdings plc
BSP, with a team led by Linda Harroch, Partner and Head of the Private Equity department, acted as Luxembourg counsel to Cobham Group on the acquisition of the entire share capital of Ultra Electronics Holdings plc
BSP advising Cobham on cash acquisition of Ultra electronics Holdings plc
BSP, with a team led by Linda Harroch, Partner and Head of the Private Equity department, acted as Luxembourg counsel to Cobham Group on the acquisition of the entire share capital of Ultra Electronics Holdings plc
BSP advising Cobham on cash acquisition of Ultra electronics Holdings plc
BSP, with a team led by Linda Harroch, Partner and Head of the Private Equity department, acted as Luxembourg counsel to Cobham Group on the acquisition of the entire share capital of Ultra Electronics Holdings plc
BSP advising Cobham on cash acquisition of Ultra electronics Holdings plc
BSP, with a team led by Linda Harroch, Partner and Head of the Private Equity department, acted as Luxembourg counsel to Cobham Group on the acquisition of the entire share capital of Ultra Electronics Holdings plc
BSP announces new partner promotions
BSP is pleased to announce the promotion of four new partners, effective 1st January 2022. The partnership now consists of 16 partners, 9 women and 7 men.
BSP in the US$500m sustainability-linked senior secured borrowing base financing to Sucafina
Pierre-Alexandre Degehet, Partner at BSP, assisted by Kateryna Nevmerzhytska, Associate, has acted as Luxembourg counsel supporting ING Bank N.V. and a group of international banks on the successful closing of a US$500m sustainability-linked senior secured borrowing base financing to Geneva-based c
BSP in the merger of Nexi with Nets deed to form European PayTech
The team led by Linda Harroch, Partner and Head of the Private Equity department at BSP, and composed of Yseult Tournebize, Counsel, acted as Luxembourg counsel, assisting Nexi in the merger with Nets. The combined Group will be a leading European PayTech with unique capabilities, distribution netwo
Luxembourg courts to reaffirm their national sovereignty
The Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran offers the opportunity to Luxembourg courts to reaffirm their national sovereignty
BSP announces a new promotion as partner within the firm
After the announcement of six new promotions within the firm in January, BSP is now pleased to announce the promotion of Michaël Kitai to partner.
Evelyn Maher is Head of the Investment Management Department at BSP
BSP is happy to announce that Evelyn Maher is the new Head of the Investment Management department.
Abuse of Law in Relation with Use of SPFs
In a judgment handed down on 12 November 2019, the Luxembourg Lower Administrative Court ruled in favour of the disallowance of interest expenses paid under bonds held by a family wealth management company, a société de gestion de patrimoine familial ("SPF"), on the grounds of abuse of law.
Preliminary Question to Constitutional Court on Retroactivity of Tax Laws
On 26 November 2019, the Luxembourg Higher Administrative Court (Cour administrative) referred a preliminary question to the Constitutional Court (Cour constitutionnelle) concerning the compatibility with the Constitution, and more specifically with the principle of the rule of law, of the change of
Luxembourg Parliament Adopts Budget Law 2020 and ATAD 2
On 19 December 2019, the Luxembourg Parliament voted to approve the 2020 Budget Law (the "Budget Law"), which introduces several tax related measures
OECD Releases its "Global Anti-Base Erosion" Proposal (Pillar II)
On 8 November 2019, the Organisation of Economic Cooperation and Development ("OECD") published a public consultation document asking for comments on its Global Anti-Base Erosion ("GloBE") Pillar II proposal. This follows the publication of the OECD Secretariat’s "Unified Approach" under Pillar I.
OECD Releases its "Unified Approach" Proposal (Pillar I)
In October 2019, the Organisation of Economic Cooperation and Development ("OECD") published a public consultation document on the so-called "Unified Approach" under Pillar I.
Parent-Subsidiary Directive and Gibraltar Companies
On 24 October 2019, Advocate General ("AG") Hogan published his opinion in the case ‘GVC Services (Bulgaria)’ EOOD v Direktor na Direktsia Obzhalvane i danachno-osiguritelna praktika – Sofia (Case C-458/18) pending in front of the European Court of Justice ("ECJ")
As of 1 January 2020, Luxembourg’s already comprehensive double tax treaty network has been expanded, by the entry into force of a new double tax treaty with Kosovo.
Benchmark Regulation | CSSF Communication
On 24 December 2019, the CSSF published a communiqué (the "Communication") regarding Regulation (EU) 2016/1011 on indices used as benchmarks (the "Benchmark Regulation") addressed to all entities which are subject to the CSSF’s supervision and which are using benchmarks (the "Concerned Entities").
Sustainable Finance | Recent Developments
On 9 December 2019 the European Parliament and the Council adopted two new regulations relating to sustainable finance in the context of the European Union’s aim to strengthen the response to climate change.
Crowdfunding | EU Rules Agreed
On 27 March 2019, the European Parliament adopted a legislative resolution on the proposal for a regulation on European Crowdfunding Service Providers ("ECSP").
Liquidity Risk Management | CSSF Circular 19/733
On 20 December 2019, the CSSF published Circular 19/733 on liquidity risk management for open-ended undertakings for collective investment (the "Circular").
PRIIPS Assessment Reminder | CSSF Press Release 19/60
On 11 December 2019, the CSSF published press release 19/60 (the "Press Release") reminding that pursuant to press release 19/28 published on 1 July 2019 all SIFs, Part II UCIs and SICARs are obliged to complete an online assessment about the impact of Regulation 1286/2014 on key information ...
New UCI Applications Via eDesk | CSSF Press Release 19/45
As and from 1 November 2019, applications for new UCI approvals (i.e. UCITS, UCI Part II, SIF and SICAR) not yet registered on the official list, will have to be submitted via the CSSF’s new eDesk portal. Applications via email will no longer be accepted.
On 4 December 2019, ESMA published updated Questions and Answers ("Q&A") on the application of the Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive ("AIFMD").
AML/CFT CSSF Guidance on Compliance by Registered AIFMS and 2019 ML/TF Survey
On 5 December 2019, the CSSF published a communication summarizing results of an AML/CFT questionnaire as well as an AML/CFT conference concerning registered AIFMs and Self-Managed Non-AIFs which took place on 3 December 2019 (the "Communication").
AML/CFT CSSF FAQ on Responsible Persons for a Luxembourg Investment Fund or Investment Fund Manager
On 25 November 2019, the CSSF issued its FAQ on persons responsible for AML/CTF compliance for a Luxembourg Investment Fund or Investment Fund Manager supervised by the CSSF.