Butterfield Trust Group
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Butterfield Trust has been in the business of establishing and administering fiduciary structures for our clients since the advent of international trust legislation more than 80 years ago, and delivers services to international clients through independent companies based in Bermuda, The Caribbean (The Bahamas and the Cayman Islands), Guernsey, Singapore and Switzerland, which together have responsibility for USD 131.1 billion in assets. Butterfield Trust operates as a genuinely independently minded fiduciary specialist but benefits from the financial strength, substance and disciplines of the Butterfield Group.
Private client services
Our services are carefully crafted to meet specific requirements and to take advantage of the unique solutions and legislation available in our key locations globally. They include:
- Trusts
- Discretionary
- Charitable
- Purpose
- Reserved/Directed Powers
- STAR (Cayman Islands)
- Shariah Compliant
- Company Formation and Administration
- Partnerships
- Private Trust Companies
- Foundations
Institutional client services
Our services for institutional clients are equally tailored to respond to specific requirements from our key locations. They include:
- Trusts / Purpose
- Partnerships
- Investment Companies
- Employee Benefit Trusts
- Unit Trusts
- Segregated Account Companies
- Private Funds
- Tailored Administration Arrangements
Our teams of highly professional and respected specialists are experienced in administering both complex and more straightforward solutions in partnership with clients and their advisers around the globe. We offer a flexible approach to holding a wide variety of financial and other assets under administration. We pride ourselves on providing a service that is focused on the needs of our clients and, to this end, have dedicated teams who administer solutions for private and institutional clients, family enterprise groups, charities, and philanthropic endeavours.
Ranked Offices
Provided by Butterfield Trust Group
- NassauMontague Sterling Centre, East Bay Street, P.O. Box N-3242, Nassau, New Providence, BahamasView ranked office
- Grand CaymanButterfield Bank (Cayman) limited Butterfield Place 12 Albert Panton Street PO Box 705, Grand Cayman, Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands, KY1-1107View ranked office
- Singapore#14 02-04 6 Battery Road , Singapore, Singapore Island, Singapore, 049909View ranked office
- St Peter PortPO Box 25 Roseneath, The Grange, St Peter Port, Guernsey, UK, GY1 3APView ranked officeSt Peter PortRegency Court, Glategny Esplanade, St Peter Port, Guernsey, UK, GY1 3APView ranked office
Butterfield Trust Group rankings