Firm Overview
Partners: 4
Associates: 47
Offices: Recife (PE), Fortaleza (CE) and São Paulo (SP)
Founded in 2007, Coelho & Dalle Advogados is one of the most renowned law firms of Brazil’s North East Region. Also based in São Paulo since 2014, the firm assists large national and multinational companies in complex and strategic corporate and commercial transactions and disputes, involving various areas, notably Corporate, Labour, Public Law, Restructuring, and Tax.
Coelho & Dalle advises clients from a broad range of industries, from traditional sectors to innovative technology players. Among the main sectors our firm has been working in recent years are finance, transport and logistics, technology, telecom, and real estate. Coelho & Dalle Advogados is also an active player in the promotion of arbitration in the North East of Brazil. It helped to promote the first Conference of the International Chamber of Arbitration from the International Chamber of Commerce of the North East of Brazil in 2019, and partner Eduardo Coelho is one of the members of the committee of CAMARB – the Chamber of Corporate Mediation and Arbitration in Recife.
Main practice areas
Corporate and M&A: analyzing, writing and revising commercial contracts, as well as corporate instruments of companies (social contract, shareholders’ agreement, etc.); assistance in corporate reorganization operations for economic groups; implamentation of corporate governance and compliance policies; assistance in estate planning and asset protection; full assistance on M&A transactions, both on behalf of the buyer and the seller; carrying out organization / analysis of documents for the due diligence, as well as the preparation / analysis of initial contracts (memorandum of understanding, letter of agreement of intention, non-disclosure, etc.) and closing of negotiation contracts.
Tax Litigation: representing companies across the country, with a significant presence in the highest judicial and administrative courts; assistance to prevent litigation, analysis of liabilities, review of procedures, tax planning and due diligence; legal opinions related to direct and indirect taxes, as well as advice on tax benefits; assistance in the identification of the safest procedures to eliminate or reduce tax liability.
Tax Advisory: assessment of opportunities to reduce the tax burden, exploring any tax benefits available; tax review and permanent tax advice aiming to minimize the risk of being questioned by the tax authorities; assistance throughout the operational cycle of tax incentives; assistance with tax planning.
Labour: defense before judicial and administrative bodies, preparation of documents and monitoring of cases before the Ministry of Labor and Employment, Public Prosecutor’s Office; preventive consultancy and legal opinion; carrying out audits to analyze the client’s current work and employment procedures; coordinating due diligences; designing strategies for union negotiation, with the elaboration or revision of agreements and collective agreements; training and workshops related to general work and employment issues or to professionals responsible for Human Resources departments related to specific work and employment issues.
Public and Administrative Law: assistance in public tenders, from the design phase of the commercial proposal to the contracting phase; monitoring the execution of the administrative contract; advice on administrative processes in regulatory bodies; administrative Litigation; practice in judicial proceedings in matters of administrative and public law; assistance in processes for the delegation of public services (concession, permission and Public-Private Partnerships – PPP).
Real Estate: drafting and preparation of contracts; structuring of capital funds not open to public subscription and hedge funds; support in the most viable design for real estate operations; advice on real estate operations, such as construction and sale of residential and commercial buildings; advice on asset reorganization operations; due diligence; property management and advice to real estate funds in operations such as securitization and in the capital market; support in public agencies, assisting in issuing building permits in general.
Civil Litigation: complete assistance in litigation with a multidisciplinary structure prepared to act in complex cases involving all legal practices and business areas; constantly presence at the Brazilian Courts. Areas of experience: Arbitration and Mediation; Banking, Finance and Foreign Exchange; International trade; Civil and Commercial Litigation; Bankruptcy and Corporate Recovery; Consumer Relations; Safe; and, Telecommunications.
International work and activities
Coelho & Dalle not only frequently work with companies and other law firms from all Regions of Brazil, but also from other jurisdictions in relevant cross-border deals. Partner Eduardo Coelho is a member of the International Bar Association (IBA), actively participating in events from the institution. He is also frequently involved in events and other activities organized by the three committees which he is a member: Corporate and M&A Law Committee, Law Firm Management Committee and Latin America Regional Forum Committee.
Firm Overview
Partners: 4
Associates: 47
Offices: Recife (PE), Fortaleza (CE) and São Paulo (SP)
Founded in 2007, Coelho & Dalle Advogados is one of the most renowned law firms of Brazil’s North East Region. Also based in São Paulo since 2014, the firm assists large national and multinational companies in complex and strategic corporate and commercial transactions and disputes, involving various areas, notably Corporate, Labour, Public Law, Restructuring, and Tax.
Coelho & Dalle advises clients from a broad range of industries, from traditional sectors to innovative technology players. Among the main sectors our firm has been working in recent years are finance, transport and logistics, technology, telecom, and real estate. Coelho & Dalle Advogados is also an active player in the promotion of arbitration in the North East of Brazil. It helped to promote the first Conference of the International Chamber of Arbitration from the International Chamber of Commerce of the North East of Brazil in 2019, and partner Eduardo Coelho is one of the members of the committee of CAMARB – the Chamber of Corporate Mediation and Arbitration in Recife.
Main practice areas
Corporate and M&A: analyzing, writing and revising commercial contracts, as well as corporate instruments of companies (social contract, shareholders’ agreement, etc.); assistance in corporate reorganization operations for economic groups; implamentation of corporate governance and compliance policies; assistance in estate planning and asset protection; full assistance on M&A transactions, both on behalf of the buyer and the seller; carrying out organization / analysis of documents for the due diligence, as well as the preparation / analysis of initial contracts (memorandum of understanding, letter of agreement of intention, non-disclosure, etc.) and closing of negotiation contracts.
Tax Litigation: representing companies across the country, with a significant presence in the highest judicial and administrative courts; assistance to prevent litigation, analysis of liabilities, review of procedures, tax planning and due diligence; legal opinions related to direct and indirect taxes, as well as advice on tax benefits; assistance in the identification of the safest procedures to eliminate or reduce tax liability.
Tax Advisory: assessment of opportunities to reduce the tax burden, exploring any tax benefits available; tax review and permanent tax advice aiming to minimize the risk of being questioned by the tax authorities; assistance throughout the operational cycle of tax incentives; assistance with tax planning.
Labour: defense before judicial and administrative bodies, preparation of documents and monitoring of cases before the Ministry of Labor and Employment, Public Prosecutor’s Office; preventive consultancy and legal opinion; carrying out audits to analyze the client’s current work and employment procedures; coordinating due diligences; designing strategies for union negotiation, with the elaboration or revision of agreements and collective agreements; training and workshops related to general work and employment issues or to professionals responsible for Human Resources departments related to specific work and employment issues.
Public and Administrative Law: assistance in public tenders, from the design phase of the commercial proposal to the contracting phase; monitoring the execution of the administrative contract; advice on administrative processes in regulatory bodies; administrative Litigation; practice in judicial proceedings in matters of administrative and public law; assistance in processes for the delegation of public services (concession, permission and Public-Private Partnerships – PPP).
Real Estate: drafting and preparation of contracts; structuring of capital funds not open to public subscription and hedge funds; support in the most viable design for real estate operations; advice on real estate operations, such as construction and sale of residential and commercial buildings; advice on asset reorganization operations; due diligence; property management and advice to real estate funds in operations such as securitization and in the capital market; support in public agencies, assisting in issuing building permits in general.
Civil Litigation: complete assistance in litigation with a multidisciplinary structure prepared to act in complex cases involving all legal practices and business areas; constantly presence at the Brazilian Courts. Areas of experience: Arbitration and Mediation; Banking, Finance and Foreign Exchange; International trade; Civil and Commercial Litigation; Bankruptcy and Corporate Recovery; Consumer Relations; Safe; and, Telecommunications.
International work and activities
Coelho & Dalle not only frequently work with companies and other law firms from all Regions of Brazil, but also from other jurisdictions in relevant cross-border deals. Partner Eduardo Coelho is a member of the International Bar Association (IBA), actively participating in events from the institution. He is also frequently involved in events and other activities organized by the three committees which he is a member: Corporate and M&A Law Committee, Law Firm Management Committee and Latin America Regional Forum Committee.
Ranked Offices
Provided by Coelho & Dalle Advogados
- Recife - PEAV. Republica do Libano, 251, 22º Andar – Sl 2203 e 2204, Riomar Trade Center – Torre B, Recife - PE, Pernambuco, Brazil, CEP: 51.110.160
- Web: www.coelhodalle.com.br
- Tel: +55 81 3221-0699
- Fax: +55 81 3221-0699
- View ranked office
Coelho & Dalle Advogados rankings