Provided by Etah-Nan & Co
Managing Partner: David Etah Akoh
Number of partners: 7
Number of lawyers: 12
Languages: English, French
Firm Contact:
Managing Partner: David Etah Akoh
Tel: +237 677 710 528
Email: [email protected] / [email protected]
Firm Overview:
ETAH-NAN & C° is a bilingual (French and English) law firm created in 1985. The firm presently has seven partners, five associates and eight trainees. This makes the firm one of the biggest by prevailing local standards. Some of the partners in the firm are Civil (French Lawyers), others are Common Law Lawyers (English lawyers) while others did Comparative Law (English and French law).
The firm is principally involved in legal and tax advisory services to corporate entities and state corporations and also general litigation. Over the years, the firm’s expansion has been facilitated by its collaboration with other law and consultancy firms across the world. The firm handles many referral assignments in Cameroon for major global law firms.
Main Areas of Practice:
■ Mining
■ Telecoms
■ Oil & Gas
■ Real Estate
■ Competition Law
■ Energy
■ Capital Markets
■ Banking & Finance
■ Investment Law
■ Environmental Law
■ Corporate & Commercial
■ Intellectual Property
■ Taxation
■ Mergers & Acquisitions
■ Litigation
Work Undertaken:
Some important recent assignments include:
■ Acting as local counsel for a consortium of developers including the State, IFC and two other foreign investors in a 420 MW hydro-electric project
■ Acting as counsel for a major agro-industrial company in a tax claim of over USD 20m
■ Acted as local counsel for the State of Cameroon in the negotiation with swap counterparties of the cross currency swap transaction within the frame of the USD-denominated Eurobond issued in November 2015 (USD 1bn) on international markets
■ Acted as counsel for the Arranger of the Treasury bonds issued by the State of Cameroon in 2014 (FCFA 150bn) and 2013 (FCFA 80bn)
■ Acted as counsel for a major telecoms operator in a 91 million euros financing obtained from local banks.
■ Acted for a major Russian oil company in its bid to farm into some important oil concessions in Cameroon
■ Conducted a due diligence exercise for a Mauritius entity in its bid to effect an asset purchase in a Cameroon telecoms services provider
■ Acting as Local Counsel for a FCFA 718bn financing for the construction of a 420MW hydroelectric dam in Cameroon. 75% of the financing was provided by International Lenders while 25% was provided by Local Banks with guarantees from the Cameroon Government and the World Bank
Number of partners: 7
Number of lawyers: 12
Languages: English, French
Firm Contact:
Managing Partner: David Etah Akoh
Tel: +237 677 710 528
Email: [email protected] / [email protected]
Firm Overview:
ETAH-NAN & C° is a bilingual (French and English) law firm created in 1985. The firm presently has seven partners, five associates and eight trainees. This makes the firm one of the biggest by prevailing local standards. Some of the partners in the firm are Civil (French Lawyers), others are Common Law Lawyers (English lawyers) while others did Comparative Law (English and French law).
The firm is principally involved in legal and tax advisory services to corporate entities and state corporations and also general litigation. Over the years, the firm’s expansion has been facilitated by its collaboration with other law and consultancy firms across the world. The firm handles many referral assignments in Cameroon for major global law firms.
Main Areas of Practice:
■ Mining
■ Telecoms
■ Oil & Gas
■ Real Estate
■ Competition Law
■ Energy
■ Capital Markets
■ Banking & Finance
■ Investment Law
■ Environmental Law
■ Corporate & Commercial
■ Intellectual Property
■ Taxation
■ Mergers & Acquisitions
■ Litigation
Work Undertaken:
Some important recent assignments include:
■ Acting as local counsel for a consortium of developers including the State, IFC and two other foreign investors in a 420 MW hydro-electric project
■ Acting as counsel for a major agro-industrial company in a tax claim of over USD 20m
■ Acted as local counsel for the State of Cameroon in the negotiation with swap counterparties of the cross currency swap transaction within the frame of the USD-denominated Eurobond issued in November 2015 (USD 1bn) on international markets
■ Acted as counsel for the Arranger of the Treasury bonds issued by the State of Cameroon in 2014 (FCFA 150bn) and 2013 (FCFA 80bn)
■ Acted as counsel for a major telecoms operator in a 91 million euros financing obtained from local banks.
■ Acted for a major Russian oil company in its bid to farm into some important oil concessions in Cameroon
■ Conducted a due diligence exercise for a Mauritius entity in its bid to effect an asset purchase in a Cameroon telecoms services provider
■ Acting as Local Counsel for a FCFA 718bn financing for the construction of a 420MW hydroelectric dam in Cameroon. 75% of the financing was provided by International Lenders while 25% was provided by Local Banks with guarantees from the Cameroon Government and the World Bank
Ranked Offices
Provided by Etah-Nan & Co
Cameroon - Head office
- Douala612 Rue Koumassi, Bali Douala, Douala, Littoral Province, Cameroon
- Web: www.etahnan.com
- Tel: (237)
- Fax: (237)
- View ranked office
Etah-Nan & Co rankings
Global Guide 2025
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General Business Law: Dispute Resolution
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