Régis BERGONZI became a Lawyer in 2005 and a Defense Lawyer at the Monaco Court of Appeal in 2013.
In parallel of his main occupation as Defense Lawyer, Maître BERGONZI :
-Used to serve as the Secretary-Treasurer of the Monaco Bar Association;
-Completed two consecutive mandates as the President of the Monaco Bar Association (2019-2021);
-Used to represent the Principality of Monaco at the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman and Degrading Treatment or Punishment, within the Council of Europe (www.cpt.coe.int/fr/) ;
-Is an active member of the International Association of Lawyers (UIA) with the Council of Europe;
-Is the Honorary Consulate of the Kingdom of Thailand in Monaco, following his appointment in June, 2020;
-Is part of the Monaco Parliament as Conseiller National following his election in February 2023 and as such, is also the Chair of the Committee on Negotiations with the European Union.
Maître Régis BERGONZI has a general practice of law and he is more specifically specialist in criminal law (money laundering, fraud, breach of trust, theft, forgery and use of forgery...), criminal procedure (reform of the rights of police custody ...) and contracts law (holder of a postgraduate diploma (DEA in contract law issued by the Law University of PARIS XI).
The Firm benefits from an excellent reputation, especially on its technical strengths. He has been ranked on Chambers for several years now, as well as by other ranking sites, confirming his skills and reputation. He benefits from a strong international culture, he is fluent in French, English, Italian and speaks Portuguese (Brazil). He deals with international legal aspects on a daily basis and not only with surrounding countries. His Firm, is divided into several dedicated Legal Departments to offer customized services based on the legal aspects involved, the language required, etc.
His implication into several prestigious or high profil cases led to many publications in medias :
Articles :
§Régis Bergonzi : « Le métier d’avocat a une vocation sociale »,https://www.monacohebdo.mc/actualites/judiciaire/aide-aux-victimes-penales-avip-regis-bergonzi/
§Rachat de domaniaux par l’Etat : le juste prix, https://www.pressreader.com/
§Mosashvili définitivement relaxé, https://www.monacohebdo.mc/actualites/judiciaire/mosashvili-definitivement-relaxe/.
§Signature de la Charte visant à assurer l’assistance des victimes d’infractions pénales par un avocat monégasque, https://www.avocats.mc/index.php/fr/actualite
§Un jardinier violent accablé par ses ex-compagnes, https://www.monacomatin.mc/justice/miraculeux-que-notre-cliente-soit-toujours-en-vie-un-jardinier-violent-accable-par-ses-ex-compagnes-640661#:~:text=Monaco%20Justice-,%22Miraculeux%20que%20notre%20cliente%20soit%20toujours%20en%20vie%22%3A%20un,son%20recours%20%C3%A0%20la%20violence.
§A Monaco, le violeur qui prétendait être le petit-fils d'Aimé Césaire écope de 15 ans de prison:https://www.monacomatin.mc/justice/a-monaco-le-violeur-qui-pretendait-etre-le-petit-fils-daime-cesaire-ecope-de-15-ans-de-prison-643235
§Le magistrat a dévoilé le contenu de l'enquête aux familles des victimes de l'attentat de Notre-Dame à Nice :https://www.nicematin.com/justice/le-magistrat-a-devoile-le-contenu-de-lenquete-aux-familles-des-victimes-de-lattentat-de-notre-dame-a-nice-755395
§Fraude à la TVA: l’Etat réclame 107 millions d’euro: https://www.pressreader.com/monaco/monaco-matin/20240227/281517936061916
Television interview:
Ranked Offices
Provided by Etude Régis Bergonzi
- Monte Carlo37, boulevard des Moulins, Monte Carlo, Monte Carlo, Monaco, MC 98000
- Web: www.regisbergonzi.com
- Tel: + 377 93 30 89 89
- View ranked office
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