Firm Profile

Humberto Sanches e Associados

High Net Worth Guide 2024

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High Net Worth

Humberto Sanches e Associados

Humberto Sanches e Associados

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Provided by Humberto Sanches e Associados
High Net Worth
Firm Details

Managing Partners: Humberto Sanches, Adriane Pacheco, Beatriz Martinez and Juliana Cavalcanti.



Firm Overview:

Humberto Sanches e Associados (HSA) is a boutique private client firm, which takes care of its client’s families and business, organises investments in Brazil and overseas, and plans for the succession.

The firm has expertise in wealth management and estate and succession planning, corporate, tax, trust, aviation, contracts, private international law, and in financial and capital markets.

Its goal is to assist the clients in all stages of their family’s life, with specialized, agile and client-friendly legal advice. The team works as the client’s trusted advisors, able to assist individuals in the most diverse demands related to their personal life, their family and their assets, free from possible conflicts of interest that may occur at full-service law firms.

The mission of HSA is to provide clients with the best legal assistance on their needs, by adopting a multidisciplinary approach and suggesting a tailor-made plan for each client, based on each family’s structure and desires. The firm services are fully customized according to the client’s and their family’s objectives, priorities, and lifestyle.

Also, the multidisciplinary approach differentiates us in the local market for private clients. For every new assignment, a dedicated team of seasoned professionals within the firm members is formed and is involved in the project from the beginning until its conclusion, generally including specialists from our different practice areas.

Practice Areas:

Wealth Management and Structuring:

HSA assists individuals in organizing their wealth in a legal multidisciplinary and highly specialised fashion. The team assists clients in matters relating to: complex holding and ownership structures (such as family offices, companies, trusts, foundations, philanthropic institutions, among others), high value assets (v.g., purchase and sale of real estate, aircrafts, yachts, collections), follow the management and disposition of such assets, relocation of individuals to other jurisdictions, tax matters associated with the client’s business and investments, legal forecast (allowing us to anticipate scenarios), communication with authorities and corporate governance.

Key Contacts:

Humberto Sanches – Partner

[email protected] | +55 11 98244-4338

Juliana Cavalcanti – Partner

[email protected] | +55 11 99495-2826

Renata Guimarães – Partner

[email protected]| +55 11 99991-0067

Family and Succession:

The area looks at all legal aspects relating to the clients’ families, searching for the most efficient and safest way to preserve assets and pass them on to the next generation. The team assists clients in a wide range of matters relating to family and succession planning, in Brazil and abroad, including: the definition of marital assets regime among couples, drafting of pre-nuptial agreements, change of marital property regime, drafting of gift agreements, definition and drafting of documents in connection with family succession and governance, organisation of philanthropic structures (in Brazil and abroad), legal representation in connection with probate proceedings and dissolution of marriages and civil unions, and others.

HSA equally deals with litigious family and succession law claims when the composition is not possible. The firm has the expertise and wide experience in disputes related to divorces, dissolution of civil unions, probate procedures, alimony, custody and visitation of minors, disability claims, and all other claims concerning succession and family matters, often involving other jurisdictions apart from the Brazilian.

Key Contacts:

Adriane Pacheco – Partner

[email protected] | +55 11 99836-0037

Beatriz Martinez – Partner

[email protected] | +55 11 99442-7022

Tax Planning:

The firm advises clients and their business on tax matters in the context of their wealth and succession planning, as well as in tax planning and asset reorganization, combined or not with new investments and divestments, aiming tax efficiency. The work includes advice on calculating and collecting taxes, i.e. Causa Mortis Transfer Tax and Donation (ITCMD), Real Estate Transfer Tax (ITBI), and Individual Income Tax (IRPF), among other taxes resulting from the planning performed, as well as with the preparation and presentation of tax declarations and international capital declaration to be delivered to the Brazilian Federal Revenue Service (Receita Federal do Brasil) and to the Brazilian Central Bank (Banco Central do Brasil), respectively. The firm also advises clients with recommendations for setting up exclusive investment funds, equity holdings, trusts, and other international vehicles for the allocation of assets abroad.

Key Contacts:

Humberto Sanches – Partner

[email protected] | +55 11 98244-4338

Flávia Gerola – Partner

[email protected]| +55 11 99231-7238


São Paulo

Av. Brigadeiro Faria Lima, 3200

Ed. Seculum II, 2nd Floor

CEP: 01451-000

São Paulo/SP – Brazil

Tel: +55 11 4858-7985

Ranked Offices

Provided by Humberto Sanches e Associados

Brazil - Head office

Humberto Sanches e Associados rankings

High Net Worth Guide 2024
Filter by
Family/Matrimonial: High Net Worth
1 Department
2 Ranked Lawyers
Family/Matrimonial: High Net Worth
Family/Matrimonial: High Net Worth
Band 2
Adriane Pacheco
Adriane Pacheco
Head of Family/Matrimonial: High Net Worth
Band 2
Beatriz Martinez
Beatriz Martinez
Head of Family/Matrimonial: High Net Worth
Band 2
Private Wealth Law
1 Department
2 Ranked Lawyers
Private Wealth Law
Private Wealth Law
Band 2
Humberto Sanches
Humberto Sanches
Head of Private Wealth Law
Band 1
Flávia Allegro Gerola
Up and Coming