Firm Overview:
The oldest commercial law firm in Serbia, founded in 1991, JPM has three decades of experience representing Serbia’s most prestigious companies and advising international clients entering Serbia and the SEE region.
There is a wealth of knowledge the firm has accumulated in every industrial and corporate sector, from energy to banking, transport, manufacturing and telecommunications, while remaining true to the pioneering spirit that has always drawn the firm to follow the latest trends and developments in providing its services. Today, the firm is using the latest legal tech available and is expanding its services to growing industries, such as renewable energy, IT and life sciences, by offering innovative solutions to its clients and a pro-active approach to broaching new grounds.
The firm's expertise, experience, and commitment to professional excellence mean that it is routinely involved in landmark cases and transactions, while its recognition among clients and peers continuously contributes to its highest ranking among the leading law firms.
The firm's lawyers pride themselves on being team players, fast and available, specialised in terms of practice area and industry, but versatile and creative in their thinking. Using the latest technology solutions available, they are focused on improving the quality of work, streamlining the processes and workflows as well as enabling clients to monitor the progress and have an interactive role in service delivery, collaborating even more closely.
The firm's global reach through memberships in Lex Mundi (the world’s premiere network of independent law firms) means that it is delivering cross-border legal counsel to its clients in multi-jurisdictional transactions, working closely with first-rate firms throughout the region and around the world.
Ranked Offices
Provided by JPM & Partners
- Belgrade8A Vladimira Popovica Street , Belgrade, City of Belgrade, Serbia, 11 070
- Web: www.jpm.rs
- Tel: +381 11 207 6850
- Fax: +381 11 207 6899
- View ranked office
JPM & Partners rankings

Articles, highlights and press releases
35 items provided by JPM & Partners
Novelties of the New Montenegrin General Collective Agreement
On 26 December 2022 General Collective Agreement (the “New GCA”) was signed by its signatories – The government of Montenegro, Representative trade union organizations and Representative association of employers.
Startup Alternative Investment Funds - Law Regulation
In the last 15 years, the Serbian IT sector reached significant growth. From sole traders/entrepreneurs, agencies, to smaller companies outsourcing to clients in Western Europe and North America, the IT sector has developed with service-related companies that export services worth over EUR 1.7 bill.
Foreign Legal Person and Branch Office in the Republic of Serbia - Tax Treatment
If one takes into account the applicable Law on Companies of the Republic of Serbia, every branch office, including a branch office of a foreign legal person, represents a separate organizational unit of a company through which such company conducts its business activities in Serbia.
Montenegro's Personal Data Protection (LPPI) and the EU's GDPR
In Montenegro, the Law on protection of personal data is still in power, and was last amended on April 3, 2017 („LPPI“) In the meantime, on May 25, 2018, the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation („GDPR“) entered into power.
The Trend of Development of Games of Chance in Serbia
The history of games of chance is not new, it goes back a long way. The games of chance are as old as the origin of civilization and they have always caused conflicting opinions.
Digital Markets Act – an opportunity or a new challenge
DMA represents the embodiment of all the Commission's efforts in this sphere and after less than three years of consideration, it will enter into force on 1 November 2022.
Montenegro - Whose are Our Phone Numbers?
The latest local elections in Montenegro have raised serious questions on data protection issues. An interesting occurrence happened in the days leading up to the local elections in Montenegro, held on October 23, 2022, when sending SMS messages to numerous citizens by different political parties.
Finalizing the Legal Framework for Easier Construction of Renewable Energy Facilities
The Ministry of Ecology, Spatial Planning, and Urbanism of Montenegro enacted a Rulebook on closer criteria for the assessment of requests for the issuance of urbanistic-technical conditions for the construction of facilities for the production of electricity from renewable sources of the sun.
New governance structure of the ICC Commission on Arbitration and ADR
We are pleased to announce that JPM Partner Djordje Novcic has been appointed by Serbian National Committee as one of the Delegates to the ICC Commission on Arbitration and ADR (the ‘Commission’).
Serbia Harmonizes Energy Legislation with EU Natural Gas Network Codes
Government of the Republic of Serbia has adopted five Regulations by which the Republic of Serbia harmonizes its legislation with the EU natural gas network codes, the obligation of which exists for the Republic of Serbia as the contracting state of the Energy Community.
Reform of Individual Income tax and Position of Entrepreneurs
The Fiscal Council of the Republic of Serbia published on 29 September 2022 the „Proposal of social and tax policy measures for reducing inequality and poverty risks in the Republic of Serbia“.
Montenegro - Big Step for FINTECH Companies
To comply with the highest European standards and safety conditions – Law on amendments to the Law on payment transactions (“Law”) has been adopted in the Parliament of Montenegro on 29 September 2022.
Novelties in Awarding of State-Owned Agricultural Land for Non-Agricultural Purposes
The Government of the Republic of Serbia rendered the new Ordinance on Conditions, Manner and Procedure for Awarding the State-owned Agricultural Land for Use for Non-agricultural Purpose, that came into force on 10 September 2022.
In Which Cases Several Transactions can be Considered as One Concentration
According to the latest Position published by the Serbian Commission for the Protection of Competition, it is prescribed whether and in which cases the scope of one concentration can be several undertakings that are not considered interrelated.
Amendments of the Tariff Methodologies in the Field of Natural Gas
The Energy Agency of the Republic of Serbia (“AERS”) adopted three decisions on amendments of the following methodologies, on its session held on 7 July 2022
Tax incentive for new residents in Serbia
Government of the Republic of Serbia adopted the Regulation on Criteria for Granting Incentives to the Employers who Employ Newly Inhabited Persons in the Republic of Serbia.
MONTENEGRO – Wastewater Collection and Treatment Plant in Podgorica
Kuzu Group and Alkatas signed EUR 47.3 million agreement for the construction of a Wastewater Collection and Treatment Plant with the Capital city of Podgorica
On 19 May 2022, the Government of the Republic of Serbia adopted the Regulation on the temporary measure of limiting the price of gas and compensating for the difference in the price of natural gas
Montenegro - Bill of amendments to the Law on Foreigners
On 18 May 2022, a Bill on Amendments to the Law on foreigners (hereinafter: “Bill”), was submitted to the Parliament, introducing legislative solutions for obtaining visas and residence permits for digital nomads.
New developments in legal framework for tax reliefs
Serbian Personal Income Tax Law and Serbian Corporate Income Tax Law, as well as the Serbian Law on Mandatory Social Insurance Contributions, prescribe tax and social insurance contributions related reliefs for companies that conduct activities of research and development in the Republic of Serbia.
CANCELATION of COVID-19 Restrictive Measures for Entering the Republic of Serbia
More countries, that have, until recently, been considered the pandemic’s epicenter, are easing COVID restrictions. Serbia takes the same direction and cancels majority of COVID-19 related restrictive measures.
Usage of corporate cards issued by goods and services providers to their corporate clients have been recognized and regulated by the latest amendments of relevant Serbian regulations related to fiscalization and to VAT.
Serbia: Tracking of Employees – Case Study
The Case study describes a process in which Controlling company intends to install application on companies’ mobile phones used by terrain employees, to enable electronic measurement of working hours of employees and record their planned and performed activities.
Montenegro taking a step forward in digitalization
The Government of Montenegro passed a Bill of the Law on Electronic Document („Bill“) which is now waiting to be passed by the Parliament of Montenegro. One of the purposes of the Bill is to align with the currently valid Law on Electronic Identification and Signature ("LEIS").
Criminal Law - Another Major Success for JPM Team
After the full four years of trial, a major criminal case was won in the first instance court for FCC Kikinda and its management who were all acquitted of two environmental offences charges.
The Government of the Republic of Serbia adopted the Regulation on Conditions and Criteria on Harmonized State Aid for Environmental Protection and Energy Sector. The Regulation introduced detailed rules for granting harmonized state aid to market participants in the energy sector.
JPM Jankovic Popovic Mitic team, led by Senior Partner Nenad Popovic, successfully advised Mr. Goran Kovačević in selling his majority stake in Gomex, the leading Serbian grocery retailer, to CEECAT Capital.
Adopted Resolution on Fees for Incentives for Privileged Power Producers for 2022
The Government of the Republic of Serbia, in its session dated 28 January 2022, adopted the Resolution on Amount of Special Fee for Incentives for Electric Energy Privileged Producers for 2022.
Joint Controllership in Employment Relations
Extensive analysis of the opinion of the Serbian SA and ECJ judgment, which set criteria for joint and independent controllership.
French Group Up acquired 100% ownership in FitPass, Serbian gym cards provider
JPM Jankovic Popovic Mitic M&A Team, led by Partner Nikola Poznanović, successfully advised French multinational company C.D Holding Internationale SAS (Groupe UP), in closing the third phase of the transaction and acquisition of 100% ownership in FitPass, Serbian gym cards provider.
Novelties of the New Montenegrin General Collective Agreement
On 26 December 2022 General Collective Agreement (the “New GCA”) was signed by its signatories – The government of Montenegro, Representative trade union organizations and Representative association of employers.
Startup Alternative Investment Funds - Law Regulation
In the last 15 years, the Serbian IT sector reached significant growth. From sole traders/entrepreneurs, agencies, to smaller companies outsourcing to clients in Western Europe and North America, the IT sector has developed with service-related companies that export services worth over EUR 1.7 bill.
Foreign Legal Person and Branch Office in the Republic of Serbia - Tax Treatment
If one takes into account the applicable Law on Companies of the Republic of Serbia, every branch office, including a branch office of a foreign legal person, represents a separate organizational unit of a company through which such company conducts its business activities in Serbia.
Montenegro's Personal Data Protection (LPPI) and the EU's GDPR
In Montenegro, the Law on protection of personal data is still in power, and was last amended on April 3, 2017 („LPPI“) In the meantime, on May 25, 2018, the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation („GDPR“) entered into power.
The Trend of Development of Games of Chance in Serbia
The history of games of chance is not new, it goes back a long way. The games of chance are as old as the origin of civilization and they have always caused conflicting opinions.
Digital Markets Act – an opportunity or a new challenge
DMA represents the embodiment of all the Commission's efforts in this sphere and after less than three years of consideration, it will enter into force on 1 November 2022.
Montenegro - Whose are Our Phone Numbers?
The latest local elections in Montenegro have raised serious questions on data protection issues. An interesting occurrence happened in the days leading up to the local elections in Montenegro, held on October 23, 2022, when sending SMS messages to numerous citizens by different political parties.
Finalizing the Legal Framework for Easier Construction of Renewable Energy Facilities
The Ministry of Ecology, Spatial Planning, and Urbanism of Montenegro enacted a Rulebook on closer criteria for the assessment of requests for the issuance of urbanistic-technical conditions for the construction of facilities for the production of electricity from renewable sources of the sun.
New governance structure of the ICC Commission on Arbitration and ADR
We are pleased to announce that JPM Partner Djordje Novcic has been appointed by Serbian National Committee as one of the Delegates to the ICC Commission on Arbitration and ADR (the ‘Commission’).
Serbia Harmonizes Energy Legislation with EU Natural Gas Network Codes
Government of the Republic of Serbia has adopted five Regulations by which the Republic of Serbia harmonizes its legislation with the EU natural gas network codes, the obligation of which exists for the Republic of Serbia as the contracting state of the Energy Community.
Reform of Individual Income tax and Position of Entrepreneurs
The Fiscal Council of the Republic of Serbia published on 29 September 2022 the „Proposal of social and tax policy measures for reducing inequality and poverty risks in the Republic of Serbia“.
Montenegro - Big Step for FINTECH Companies
To comply with the highest European standards and safety conditions – Law on amendments to the Law on payment transactions (“Law”) has been adopted in the Parliament of Montenegro on 29 September 2022.
Novelties in Awarding of State-Owned Agricultural Land for Non-Agricultural Purposes
The Government of the Republic of Serbia rendered the new Ordinance on Conditions, Manner and Procedure for Awarding the State-owned Agricultural Land for Use for Non-agricultural Purpose, that came into force on 10 September 2022.
In Which Cases Several Transactions can be Considered as One Concentration
According to the latest Position published by the Serbian Commission for the Protection of Competition, it is prescribed whether and in which cases the scope of one concentration can be several undertakings that are not considered interrelated.
Amendments of the Tariff Methodologies in the Field of Natural Gas
The Energy Agency of the Republic of Serbia (“AERS”) adopted three decisions on amendments of the following methodologies, on its session held on 7 July 2022
Tax incentive for new residents in Serbia
Government of the Republic of Serbia adopted the Regulation on Criteria for Granting Incentives to the Employers who Employ Newly Inhabited Persons in the Republic of Serbia.
MONTENEGRO – Wastewater Collection and Treatment Plant in Podgorica
Kuzu Group and Alkatas signed EUR 47.3 million agreement for the construction of a Wastewater Collection and Treatment Plant with the Capital city of Podgorica
On 19 May 2022, the Government of the Republic of Serbia adopted the Regulation on the temporary measure of limiting the price of gas and compensating for the difference in the price of natural gas
Montenegro - Bill of amendments to the Law on Foreigners
On 18 May 2022, a Bill on Amendments to the Law on foreigners (hereinafter: “Bill”), was submitted to the Parliament, introducing legislative solutions for obtaining visas and residence permits for digital nomads.
New developments in legal framework for tax reliefs
Serbian Personal Income Tax Law and Serbian Corporate Income Tax Law, as well as the Serbian Law on Mandatory Social Insurance Contributions, prescribe tax and social insurance contributions related reliefs for companies that conduct activities of research and development in the Republic of Serbia.
CANCELATION of COVID-19 Restrictive Measures for Entering the Republic of Serbia
More countries, that have, until recently, been considered the pandemic’s epicenter, are easing COVID restrictions. Serbia takes the same direction and cancels majority of COVID-19 related restrictive measures.
Usage of corporate cards issued by goods and services providers to their corporate clients have been recognized and regulated by the latest amendments of relevant Serbian regulations related to fiscalization and to VAT.
Serbia: Tracking of Employees – Case Study
The Case study describes a process in which Controlling company intends to install application on companies’ mobile phones used by terrain employees, to enable electronic measurement of working hours of employees and record their planned and performed activities.
Montenegro taking a step forward in digitalization
The Government of Montenegro passed a Bill of the Law on Electronic Document („Bill“) which is now waiting to be passed by the Parliament of Montenegro. One of the purposes of the Bill is to align with the currently valid Law on Electronic Identification and Signature ("LEIS").
Criminal Law - Another Major Success for JPM Team
After the full four years of trial, a major criminal case was won in the first instance court for FCC Kikinda and its management who were all acquitted of two environmental offences charges.
The Government of the Republic of Serbia adopted the Regulation on Conditions and Criteria on Harmonized State Aid for Environmental Protection and Energy Sector. The Regulation introduced detailed rules for granting harmonized state aid to market participants in the energy sector.
JPM Jankovic Popovic Mitic team, led by Senior Partner Nenad Popovic, successfully advised Mr. Goran Kovačević in selling his majority stake in Gomex, the leading Serbian grocery retailer, to CEECAT Capital.
Adopted Resolution on Fees for Incentives for Privileged Power Producers for 2022
The Government of the Republic of Serbia, in its session dated 28 January 2022, adopted the Resolution on Amount of Special Fee for Incentives for Electric Energy Privileged Producers for 2022.
Joint Controllership in Employment Relations
Extensive analysis of the opinion of the Serbian SA and ECJ judgment, which set criteria for joint and independent controllership.
French Group Up acquired 100% ownership in FitPass, Serbian gym cards provider
JPM Jankovic Popovic Mitic M&A Team, led by Partner Nikola Poznanović, successfully advised French multinational company C.D Holding Internationale SAS (Groupe UP), in closing the third phase of the transaction and acquisition of 100% ownership in FitPass, Serbian gym cards provider.