Firm Profile

KARV Communications

Litigation Support Guide 2024

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Litigation Support

KARV Communications

KARV Communications

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+1 212 333 0275

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Provided by KARV Communications
Litigation Support

Firm Overview:

KARV Communications has particular expertise in developing communications strategies around complex and high stakes litigation matters, including federal and state regulatory issues and international disputes. KARV draws from a deep understanding of the media and the client’s business goals to craft and implement communications campaigns that support the litigation strategy, working closely with in-house and external legal counsel. KARV has assisted clients across a wide range of industries with matters in federal, state and local court systems as well as before the U.S. Supreme Court.

KARV’s litigation support capabilities include:

  • Creating a compelling message platform that encapsulates the client’s position and supporting information.
  • Preparing answers to potential questions from reporters, customers, investors, employees and other key constituents.
  • Planning for likely and contingency next steps in the legal process and how they may be impacted by corporate developments and external factors.

Among the range of litigation situations in which KARV has worked are the following:

  • Contractual and competitive disputes
  • FCPA, CFIUS and other regulatory investigations
  • SEC and trade violations
  • Holocaust asset litigation
  • Product recalls and product liability matters
  • Cybersecurity breaches
  • Bankruptcy/restructuring
  • Politically sensitive legal disputes
  • Cross-border arbitration
  • Labor-related matters
  • Employment law disputes
  • Art ownership and restitution disputes

Ranked Offices

Provided by KARV Communications

USA - Head office

KARV Communications rankings

Litigation Support Guide 2024
USA - Nationwide
Litigation PR & Communications
1 Department
2 Ranked Lawyers
Litigation PR & Communications
Litigation PR & Communications
Band 4
Andrew Frank
Andrew Frank
Band 4
Eric Andrus
Eric Andrus
Band 4