Managing Partner: Rodrigo Junqueira
Number of partners: 69
Number of counsels: 17
Number of fee earners: 400+
Languages: English, French, German, Portuguese, Spanish
As a full-service law firm, Lefosse Advogados offers a complete range of services in all areas of law to national and international clients. The advice the firm provides stems from the partnership with clients and deep knowledge of their business.
Wealth Planning:
The competitive edge ofthe team is being a one stop-shop practice area with partners and lawyers with expertise in succession, tax and corporate matters. The work includes asset reorganisation plans, preparation of prenuptial agreements, cohabitation contracts, wills and other testamentary instruments, and changes in property regimes, explanation, to the family, of the effects of death and the rules applicable to each regime for marital assets, including by reason of succession.
Head Office
Rua Tabapuã, 1227 14th floor
04533-014 Itaim Bibi
São Paulo SP Brazil
Praia do Flamengo, 200, 20th floor – Suite 2001
22210-901 Flamengo
Rio de Janeiro RJ Brazil
SCS Quadra 09, Edifício Parque Cidade Corporate, Torre B, 8th floor
70308-200 Asa Sul
Brasília DF Brazil
Ranked Offices
Provided by Lefosse Advogados
- São Paulo - SPRua Tabapuã, 1227 – 14º andar , São Paulo - SP, Sao Paulo, Brazil, SP 01451-011
- Web: lefosse.com
- Tel: +55 113024 6100
- View ranked office
Lefosse Advogados rankings