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Provided by Pels Rijcken
Pels Rijcken acts for major corporates, international organisations and government institutions, such as the State of the Netherlands and the Dutch Central Bank. Pels Rijcken is full-services firm and ranks among the top law firms in the Netherlands. Based at the office in The Hague, about 350 professionals are committed to providing the very best in legal services. They combine their in-depth legal knowledge with a keen understanding of their clients’ business needs. They are responsive to their clients’ demands and pragmatic in their solutions. They are also sensitive to the interest of their clients’ stakeholders.
Ranked Offices
Provided by Pels Rijcken
Netherlands - Head office
- The HagueNew Babylon, Bezuidenhoutseweg 57, The Hague, South Holland, Netherlands, 2594 AC
- Web:
- Tel: +31 70 515 3000
- Fax: +31 70 515 3100
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Pels Rijcken rankings
Global Guide 2024
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Global Market Leaders
Business & Human Rights Law
1 Ranked Lawyer
Dispute Resolution
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Intellectual Property: General - Mostly Trade Mark/Copyright
1 Ranked Lawyer