Alida Coates
UK Guide 2025
Band 2 : Personal Injury: Mainly Claimant
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0121 214 5230Share profile
Band 2
Provided by Alida Coates
Practice Areas
Alida is the partner who heads up the Midlands and South West Workplace Illness teams, which are two of the largest and most experienced specialist teams in the area.
Qualifying in 1996, Alida has only ever worked for injured claimants and has over 18 years’ experience recovering compensation in the asbestos disease arena, having worked as part of the team which won the first environmental asbestos exposure case (Hancock) in 1995. Since that time, Alida and her team have worked tirelessly to obtain justice for victims exposed to asbestos who have developed asbestos illnesses (Mesothelioma, lung cancer, pleural thickening and asbestosis) both through their employment and through environmental exposure.
Alida has obtained one of the highest awards during lifetime for a Mesothelioma sufferer (£1.5m) and regularly engages the services of experts to assist families to engage carers to assist with practical care needs caused by these illnesses.
The emphasis of the team is to make a difference to the quality of life of their clients, as quickly as possible, not merely to measure success in terms of damages recovered.
Alida has a unique insight into the difficulties suffered by the victims of asbestos exposure, she is respected both for her knowledge and understanding of the issues facing her clients.
Alida is recognised by many health and other professionals as a leading lawyer in this field. She lectures regularly and is a Trustee of Mesothelioma UK.
The team has also recovered compensation for those affected by other workplace illnesses over the last 12 months, including (but not limited to) asthma, vibration white finger, carpal tunnel syndrome and repetitive strain injury.
Trainee with IM, Qualified 1996, partner 2005.
Professional Memberships
Trustee of Mesothelioma UK.
Chambers Review
Alida Coates is particularly active in handling occupational disease cases, with a track record in asbestos-related claims.
Provided by Chambers
"Alida is a highly experienced and effective partner."
"Alida is a highly experienced and effective partner."
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