Practice Areas
Capucine Bernier is a partner in the Insurance team. She specialises in insurance law and civil liability.
Her practice focuses on non-life insurance litigation (property, civil and professional liability, special and industrial risks) and life insurance. She advises and assists insurance companies, bancassurers and various industrial operators in the management of sensitive disputes or disputes with high strategic and economic stakes.
Capucine is a member of UJARF (Union des Jeunes Assureurs et Réassureurs Français), AJAR (Association des Juristes d'Assurance et de Réassurance), AIDA (Association Internationale de Droit des Assurances), and vice-president of ADIAP (Association des Diplômés de l'Institut des Assurances de Paris). She is a frequent speaker at conferences and contributes to the writing of specialist articles.
She is a graduate of the Institut des Assurances de Paris (valedictorian), has a Master 2 in Insurance Law from Paris I - Panthéon Sorbonne and a Master 2 in Business Law. Capucine has been a member of the Paris Bar since 1998.
Partner Gide Loyrette Nouel (2015)
Joined the Firm (2008)
Admitted to the Paris Bar (1998)
Master's degree in Insurance Law, University Paris I - Panthéon Sorbonne (1999)
Graduate of the Paris Insurance Institute (major) (1999)
Master's degree in Business Law, University Paris V (1997)
Professional Memberships
Capucine is a member of the Union of young French insurers and reinsurers (UJARF), the Insurance and Reinsurance Lawyers Association (AJAR), the International Association of Insurance Law (AIDA), and is the vice-chair of the Paris Insurance Institute alumni association (ADIAP).