Chambers Review
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Provided by Craig P Wilson
Craig Wilson is managing partner of the firm's Harrisburg office and practice group coordinator for the firm's global environment, land and natural resources practice group. Craig concentrates his practice in the areas of energy, environment and natural resources, and has counseled clients who are developing and operating energy projects and other commercial and industrial projects, clients who are seeking environmental permits and zoning and land development approvals from government agencies, clients who are engaged in manufacturing, clients who are exploring for, producing and transporting natural gas, clients who are acquiring and operating agricultural properties and facilities, clients who are engaged in mining or quarrying, and clients who are parties to business transactions or litigation involving potential environmental rights or liabilities.
American Bar Association (Co-Chair Annual Water Law Conference 2011)
Federal Bar Association (Member)
Pennsylvania Bar Association (Member)
Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Foundation (Co-Chair, Annual Water Law Institute, 2020 & 2021)
"U.S. Supreme Court Issues Landmark Clean Water Act Decision, Significantly Narrowing the Scope of ‘Waters of the United States’ Under Federal Law,” Thomson Reuters Westlaw Today, 8 June 2023
“A Significant First Step For Pa. Carbon Capture Programs,” Law360, 5 April 2023
“Water Quality,” Chapter 4 in Pennsylvania Environmental Law and Practice, (9th edition 2017).
“A Primer on Litigation That Involves Alleged Water Well Contamination from Hydraulic Fracturing,” Chapter 6 in Environmental and Health Issues in Unconventional Oil and Gas Development, by Craig P. Wilson and Anthony R. Holtzman. 2016.
Co-Author, CEQ Issues Final Greenhouse Gas Guidance Directing Federal Agencies to Consider Climate Change in Their NEPA Reviews, Pratt’s Energy Law Report, Vol. 16-9, 4 August 2016
“Environmental Policy Quarterly,” Craig P. Wilson, editor, 2013-2016.
"Environmental and Health Issues in Unconventional Oil and Gas Development," Chapter 6 – A Primer on Litigation That Involves Alleged Water Well Contamination From Hydraulic Fracturing, Elsevier Inc., December 2015
“Water Resources,” Chapter 7 in Pennsylvania Environmental Law and Practice, (7th edition 2012, 8th edition 2015).
"Priorities for Permitting & Compliance in PA, WV and NY," panel moderator at K&L Gates Third Annual Appalachian Basin Oil & Gas Seminar, April 2010
"Understanding Water Management Regulations," presented at Key Environmental Issues Compliance Conference, Pennsylvania Chamber of Business and Industry, October 2009
"Infrastructure Development – Navigating the Regulatory Maze," presented at K&L Gates Second Annual Appalachian Basin Oil & Gas Seminar, April 2009
"Marcellus Shale – Water Resources Challenges," Pennsylvania Oil & Gas Association Annual Meeting, September 2008
"Legal/Regulatory Update of Matter Impacting Water Industry," Water Finance & Investment Summit, November 2007
"Case Studies Involving Special Protection Waters," Water Resources Association of the Delaware River Basin Fall Conference, November 2007
"New Post-Rapanos Federal Wetlands Guidance," telebriefing by Law Seminars International, June 2007
"Complying with New and Changing Water Regulations: Key Environmental Compliance Issues Conference," Pennsylvania Chamber of Business and Industry, October 2006
"Water Resources," presented at Pennsylvania Aggregates and Concrete Association’s Environment and Concrete Workshop, January 2006
"Complying with New and Changing Water Regulations," presented to Pennsylvania Chamber of Business and Industry, October 2005
"Water Resources," presented at Annual Meeting of Pennsylvania Aggregates and Concrete Association, November 2004
"Complying with New and Changing Water Regulations," presented to Pennsylvania Chamber of Business and Industry, October 2004
"Extending and Establishing New Water Systems – Environmental Permitting," presented at Pennsylvania Bar Institute’s Water Law Conference, January 2004
"Homeland Security and Current Issues Facing Local Governments," presented at the International Municipal Lawyers Association’s Annual Conference, October 2003
"Environmental Hearing Board Roundtable," panel presentation at Pennsylvania Bar Institute’s Environmental Law Forum 2003, April 2003
"Emerging Issues in the Regulation of Water Discharge and Withdrawal," presented at Emerging Legal Issues Relating to Oil & Gas Activities, November 2002
“Structuring the Brownfields Transaction - Negotiating Transactional Agreements,” Chapter 7 in Brownfields Law and Practice: The Cleanup and Redevelopment of Contaminated Land, by Craig P. Wilson and R. T. Weston. 1998, revised 2015.
“Structuring the Brownfields Transaction - Overall Structure of the Transaction,” Chapter 6 in Brownfields Law and Practice: The Cleanup and Redevelopment of Contaminated Land, by Craig P. Wilson and R. T. Weston. 1998, revised 2015.
"The Lawyer as Information Conduit: Professional Responsibility in Business Transactions," written materials presented as part of What Every Real Estate and Business Lawyer Should Know about Environmental Law, December 1996
"Post-dissolution Liability of Corporations and Their Shareholders Under CERCLA," Business Law, August 1995
"The Title V Operating Permit Program and The Clean Air Act: Hazardous Air Pollutants," presented at the Volatile Organic Compound Reduction Seminar, November/December 1994
"Debarment, Suspension, Contractor Listing, and Permit Blocks," Chapter in EPA Enforcement Manual, 1993
"Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Policy in Vermont: An Assessment of Act 296," Vermont Law Review, 1992
Vermont Law School
Vermont Law School
Dartmouth College
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