Practice Areas
Diego de Lammerville has litigated numerous complex commercial disputes in state courts and in a variety of arbitral forums.
Diego has experience in M&A/Corporate, securities and commercial/distribution litigation.
Diego is teaching commercial proceedings at the Paris Bar School and also occasionally teaches securities litigation at Sciences Po.
University Paris X Nanterre (Maîtrise in Public Business Law) 1996
University Paris X Nanterre (Maîtrise in Commercial Business Law) 1997
University Paris X Nanterre (DEA in Business Law) 1998
Admitted as an avocat in Paris 1999
King's College London (LLM) 2000
Joined Clifford Chance 2000
Counsel since 2009
Partner since 2012
• Rapporteur of the working party on the judicial control of the price, Club des juristes, September 2021
• Co-author of the Lamy Droit Economique chapter on unfair competition
• Speaks French and English
• Teaches at the ENM (French national school for the Judiciary), Université Paris II Assas (Corporate law and securities litigation) and at Sciences Po (securities litigation)