Practice Areas
Labor & Employment, Mergers & Acquisitions, Foreign Direct Investment, Corporate Governance & Shareholder Disputes, and Privacy & Data Security.
Hyun Jae Park is an attorney at Kim & Chang’s Labor & Employment, Mergers & Acquisitions and Privacy & Data Security Practices. Mr. Park advises multinational employers on all aspects of employment and labor related matters including employment policies and benefits, performance management and termination, employment litigation, business restructuring, employee data privacy, labor management relations, collective bargaining negotiation, employment and labor related issues in M&A and post-merger integration.
Professional Memberships
Korean Bar.
Employer’s Liability for Failure to Comply with the Court’s Reinstatement Order in an Unfair Dismissal Case (Labor Law Practice Review III, 2021);
Foreign Employment and Labor Issues for Outbound Investment, HR Insight (Co-author, 2016).
Graduate School of Law, Seoul National University (Completed Coursework, 2007);
Judicial Research and Training Institute of the Supreme Court of Korea (2006);
Seoul National University (B.A., Politics, 2004).