Joel Richardson is a senior member of Kim & Chang’s International Arbitration & Cross-Border Litigation Practice and leads the firm’s North American Arbitration Desk. He is an International Arbitrator and International Mediator at the Korean Commercial Arbitration Board, a member of Singapore International Mediation Centre’s Specialist Mediator panel, and Co-Chair of the KCAB Next Steering Committee. He served as adjunct-professor at the Korean Judicial Research and Training Institute. Prior to joining Kim & Chang in 2006, Mr. Richardson practiced at Arnold & Porter in Washington, DC and clerked for Judge William Stiehl of United States District Court for the Southern District of Illinois.
Understanding Cultural Challenges in the Cross-Examination of Asian Witnesses, Take the Witness: Cross-Examination in International Arbitration (JurisNet, LLC, 2019);
The International Arbitration Review: Korea Chapter (Edition 8-10) (Co-author, The Law Reviews, 2017-2019);
Getting The Deal Through - Arbitration: Korea Chapter (Co-author, Law Business Research, 2017-2019);
“Understanding the Culture Challenges of Representing Korean Parties in International Arbitration,” Dispute Resolution Journal (Co-author, Juris Net, LLC, 2017).
Washington University School of Law (J.D., Order of the Coif);
Augustana College (B.A., cum laude).