Ranked in 1 Practice Areas

Band 3


Provided by José Maria Rojí


Practice Areas

Corporate / M&A

Arbitration and Mediation

Family-owned company

Wealth management

Private Equity

Professional Memberships

Member of the Academic Council of FIDE, a legal-economic think-tank in Spain.

Member of the Professional Council of the Law School. ESADE

Member of the Economic Committee at the Illustrious Bar Association of Barcelona since March 2006.

Member of the Board of Directors and Scientific Committee at the Illustrious Bar Association of Barcelona's School of Legal Practice since November 2005. Head of the Corporate Law Department.


José María has published a wide variety of articles and papers for both specialised and general publications and publishers.

― "Don’t let the door hit you on the way out: Shareholder disagreements, mediation and M&A" Published in Revista LA LEY Mediación y Arbitraje nº 5. March 2021.

― “Cuando despertó, el dinosaurio todavía estaba allí. Conflicto de socios y mediación" Published in AJA - Actualidad Jurídica Aranzadi, December 22, 2020, year XXVI, number 969.

― "The contribution the Secretary of the Board makes to good governance". Published in Newsletter nº4 of the Corporate Governance Center of ESADE, (December 2020): Together for better corporate governance.

― "Capital increase by offsetting credits: main commercial issues and critical analysis of the accounting regime". Published in Revista L'Auditor 89. December 2020.

― "The protection of the minority shareholder in capital stock increases: A proposal from the point of view of good governance" Revista de Derecho de Sociedades no. 60/2020. Editorial Aranzadi, Cizur Menor. September - December 2020.

― "Mediating in shareholder disagreements in family-owned businesses", Published in Especial LA LEY Mediación y Arbitraje nº 3. September 25, 2020.

― "Purchasing productive units in insolvency: a M&A for the crisis", Published in Revista Española de Capital Riesgo, no. 2/2020, April-June, pp. 19-37.

― "The modification of the corporate purpose as a cause for separation when the board meeting decision does not modify it" Published in Boletín Mercantil, number 8, April 2020, elderecho.com. Editorial Lefebvre.

― "El conflicto de interés de socios en el ejercicio del derecho de voto: en particular sobre su ámbito subjetivo" Published in Revista Jurídica de Catalunya, no. 4, 2019, Barcelona.

― "Purpose and meaning of corporate arbitration”. Anuario de Justicia alternativa. Volume nº 15 - Year 2019 - Arbitration Tribunal of Barcelona. Editorial Bosch.

― "Dissolution for failure to carry out the corporate purpose by the holding company (with reference to STS October 9, 2018)" Published in LA LEY Mercantil nº 54, January 2019, Editorial Wolters Kluwer.

― "On de facto unanimity: proposals against individual member veto situations". Published in Revista de Derecho de Sociedades núm. 54/2018. Editorial Aranzadi, S.A.U. September-December 2018.

― "El secretario del consejo de administración: sus funciones y el buen gobierno de sociedades no cotizadas" Published in Diario LA LEY in issue 9213, June 7, 2018, edited by Wolters Kluwer.

― "The inclusion in the bylaws of limited liability companies of the right of opposition of creditors." Published in Revista de Derecho de Sociedades núm. 51/2017 Editorial Aranzadi, S.A.U. 2017. September-December 2017.

― Civil and commercial mediation, Coordinators: Francisco Ruiz Risueño and José Carlos Fernández Rozas, Editorial Tirant lo Blanch, Author of the chapter on Mediation in corporate matters, September 2022.

― Actualidad Mercantil 2022, Director: Enrique Ortega Burgos, Editorial Tirant lo Blanch, Author of the chapter on “Practical matters concerning the transfer of shares as input”, September 2022, pp. 449-469.

― The right of separation and exclusion of partners in capital companies, Directors: Mª Belén González Fernández, Patricia Márquez Lobillo and Mª Teresa Otero Cobos, Editorial Tirant lo Blanch, Author of the chapter on "Right of separation and loss of membership", pp. 515-453, September 2021.

― Actualidad Mercantil 2021, Director: Enrique Ortega Burgos, Editorial Tirant lo Blanch, Author of the chapter on "El retorno patrimonial del socio en especie", pp. 848-860, May 2021.

― Actualidad Mercantil 2020, Director: Enrique Ortega Burgos and María Enciso-Alonso, Editorial Tirant lo Blanch, Author of the chapter on "La protección práctica del derecho de adquisición preferente y otros regímenes especiales de transmisión en garantía de la eficacia del derecho del socio", pp. 271-298, February 2020.

― Actualidad Mercantil 2019, Director: Enrique Ortega Burgos, Editorial Tirant lo Blanch, Author of the chapter on "Protection of the minority partner within a dominant group of companies", February 2019.

― Shareholder conflicts of interest. In Practical commentary on the new corporate governance regulation, Act 31/2014 on the reform of the Corporate Enterprises Act, Dykinson. Madrid, 2015.

― "Steps to follow. On the exception to the computation of certain impairment losses for certain commercial purposes. In "Asset Actualidad, No. 66 (publication of the Spanish Association of Corporate Financiers). December 2013.

― Impairment losses and dissolution of companies. In "El Economista - Iuris&Lex". February 22, 2013.

― Total divestiture as a mechanism for the sale of companies. In "Revista Española de Capital Riesgo, no. 3/2012". July-September 2012.

― The export of works of art. In "Art Market Trends, Issue 51". March 2012.

― Participatory lending: an approach to some controversial issues. In "Asset Actualidad, No. 61 (publication of the Spanish Association of Corporate Financiers). February 2012

― Antitrust and company inspections. In "El Periódico". January 17, 2012.

― Public procurement and amendments to the Law on Contentious-Administrative Jurisdiction. In "Ayuntamiento XXI number 48". November-December 2011.

― Dividends, shareholder disagreements and liquidity. In "Expansion”. November 4, 2011.

Chambers Review

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Corporate/Commercial: Barcelona - Spain

Band 3
Individual Editorial
CMS department head José Maria Rojí often advises corporate investors and clients on M&A deals. He regularly acts for Spanish companies with activity in the real estate and hospitality sectors.

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