Practice Areas
I am Irwin Mitchell's Regional Managing Partner for Bristol and Head of the Bristol Medical Negligence team. I specialise in representing individuals who have suffered an injury because of the negligence of a Hospital Trust, GP or private doctor.
I have a particular interest in injuries caused during pregnancy or birth to either mother or baby.
I have been involved in a lot of cases resulting from delayed meningitis diagnoses.
I also have a lot of experience in representing clients at inquests and fatal claims when families have a lost a relative or loved one because of the negligence of a doctor or hospital.
Recent notable settlements include:
A v Birmingham Womens Healthcare NHS Trust which settled for a capitalised value of £10.1m. The case concerned a two hour delay in delivery of A resulting in coagulopathy which caused a frontal lobe infarct.
B v Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust which concerned negligent neonatal treatment and settled for around £5m capitalised value
C v Wiltshire NHS Trust, which settled for £7.1m.