Chambers Review
Provided by Chambers
Star Individuals
Provided by Marco Berliri
Marco Berliri is one of the most well-known lawyers in Italy in the areas of commercial law and Information Technology. He has worked in this field for almost 20 years and is one of the pioneers in the legal arena on new technologies and e-commerce in Italy. He advises many of the most important international players of the new economy with passion and dedication and is well known for his commercial and business oriented approach. Marco is a partner in our Rome office and is the head of the Technology, Media and Communications and Commercial Group in Italy.
Marco has a significant knowledge in information technology, including e-commerce, outsourcing, ISP's liability and data protection. He also has great experience in the commercial law field, including outsourcing, distribution, sponsorship, and general trading arrangements. Marco has worked both in Italy and in the United States, where he also received an LL.M. in International Legal Studies from Georgetown University in Washington DC.
He received a number of awards and acknowledgements from the industry publications and is consistently ranked in the first tier by all legal directories. In particular, since 2010 he is ranked in Band 1 by Legal 500 EMEA and Chambers and Partners and is listed as Star Individual in Chambers Europe since 2015. Marco has been awarded with the "ILO Client Choice Award" for Information Technology in Italy every year from 2011 to 2018, and as "TMT lawyer of the year" by Top Legal in 2012 and 2018 and Legalcommunity in 2015. Marco was also listed as one of the 50 most influential lawyers in Italy in 2014 and 2015 by the legal magazine Legalcommunity.
English, Italian, Spanish
Assistance to eBay group on e-commerce, privacy, consumer protection issues.
Assistance to social media and video sharing platforms in relation to ISP's liability and data protection.
Assistance to a number of e-commerce platform in relation to consumers' protection, unfair commercial practices, and doing business online in Italy.
Assistance to multinational companies in the structuring and review of their trading and distribution arrangements in Italy.
Assistance to sharing economy players inclusing Airbnb, Waze and Blabacar on a variety of legal issues posed by the new approach.
Assistance to a number of luxury companies on the compliance with Italian law regulation requirements for the distribution of their products.
Provided by Chambers
Provided by Chambers
Provided by Hogan Lovells Studio Legale
Industrials, Engineering and Manufacturing
Retail and Consumer
Technology, Media and Telecoms (TMT)