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Band 2
Provided by Ricardo de Carvalho Aprigliano
Dispute Resolution
Partner in Demarest’s Dispute Resolution practice area, Ricardo de Carvalho Aprigliano is an associate professor (Habilitation in Law), who holds a doctorate and a master’s degree in Procedural Law from USP. He is a coordinator and professor at USP’s postgraduate course in Procedural Law, in collaboration with the AASP, and serves as Vice-President of the Center for Arbitration and Mediation of the Chamber of Commerce Brazil-Canada (CAM-CCBC). Ricardo is a Fellow at the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIARB), and has been recognized by international publications such as Who’s Who Legal, Chambers & Partners, and Leaders League.
Vice-President of the Center for Arbitration and Mediation of the Chamber of Commerce Brazil-Canada (CAM-CCBC)
Member of the National Coordination of Women in Procedure of the Brazilian Institute of Procedural Law (“IBDP”)
Fellow of the Chartered Instituted of Artibtrators (CIArb)
Coordinator and professor in the lato sensu postgraduate course in Civil Procedural Law at Universidade de São Paulo (USP), in collaboration with Fundação Arcadas
Coordinator of the Group of Advanced Studies on Arbitration, of Fundação Arcadas, connected with Universidade de São Paulo (USP)
Coordinator of the Group of Advanced Studies on Proceedings, of Fundação Arcadas, connected with Universidade de São Paulo (USP)
Member of the Academic Council of Canal Arbitragem
Author of the book [Fundamentos Processuais da Arbitragem] “Procedural Foundations of Arbitration”, Editora EDC, 1st edition, 2023
Author of the chapter [Revelia, Provas, Bifurcação, Custas e Honorários] “Default, evidence, bifurcation, costs and fees”, of the book [Tratado de Arbitragem] “Arbitration Treaty”, Editora Foco
Co-author of the chapter [Honorários de sucumbência e honorários contratuais em arbitragem] “Sucumbency Fees and Contractual Fees in Arbitration”, of the book [Arbitragem e processo: homenagem ao prof. Carlos Alberto Carmona] “Arbitration and Process: Tribute to prof. Carlos Alberto Carmona”, Quartier Latin, 2022
Co-author of the collective work [Sociedades Limitadas e Arbitragem: Possibilidade, Abrangência e Vinculação dos Sócios] “Limited-Liability Companies and Arbitration: Possibility, Scope and Binding of Members”, 2021
Co-author of the collective work [Arbitragem e outros temas de Direito Privado] “Arbitration and Other Topics of Private Law”, Quartier Latin, 1st Edition, 2021
Author of the book [Comentários ao Código de Processo Civil] “Comments to the Code of Civil Procedure”, vol. VIII, Page I. [Disposições gerais sobre as Provas] “General provisions on evidence”, São Paulo, Editora Saraiva, 2020
Co-author of the collective work [Natureza Jurídica, eficácia e obrigatoriedade da cláusula de Dispute Board, Manual de Dispute Boards, Teoria, Prática e Provocações] “Legal nature, effectiveness, and obligation of the Dispute Board clause, Dispute Boards Manual, Theory, Practice, and Insights”, Quartier Latin (collective work), 2021
Author of article on nullity and sentence enforcement, from the book [Código de Processo Civil Interpretado] “Interpreted Code of Civil Procedure”, Atlas, 2021
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