Suguru Miyata
Asia-Pacific Guide 2025
Spotlight : Crisis Management: Domestic
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Provided by Suguru Miyata
Practice Areas
Crisis Management:Accounting Fraud, Unfair Trading (Insider Trading, Manipulation)
Capital Markets: Global IPO, Follow-on Offering, Third Party allotment,
Sustainability: Sustainability disclosure
Financial Regulation:
The University of Tokyo (LL.B., 2005)
The University of Tokyo, School of Law (J.D., 2007)
New York University School of Law (LL.M, 2014)
New York University Stern School of Business (Advanced Professional Certificate in Law and Business (APCLB), 2014)
Seconded to the Planning and Management Division (as Deputy Director), Executive Bureau, Securities and Exchange Surveillance Commission, Financial Services Agency (2017-2018)
Seconded to the Lawsuit Office (as Deputy Head), Planning and Management Division, Financial Services Agency (2017-2018)
Seconded to the Disclosure Inspection Division (as Inspection Administrator), Financial Services Agency (2017-2018)
”Insider Trading (Second Edition)” Shojihomu Co., Ltd, 2024.
"Legal Issues and Corporate Governance on Sustainability" Economic Legal Research Institute, 2023.
"Legal Commentary: Practical Issues Regarding Application for Extending the Due Date for Submission of Annual Securities Reports, Etc." Junkan Keirijouhou, 2023.
"Practical Issues Concerning Notification Prior to Listing Approval for IPOs (Form S-1)"
Commercial Law Review, 2023.
"Compliance for Managers [Expanded 14th ed.]" Training Center of the Regional Banks Association of Japan,2023.
"Getting the Deal Through - Risk & Compliance Management 2023 - Japan Chapter" Getting the Deal Through - Risk & Compliance Management 2023.
"Initial Responses to Fraud and Misconduct by Category" Chuokeizai-sha, Inc, 2023.
"Zoom In: Key Points Regarding Financing Using Investment Crowdfunding - Accurate and Full Disclosure of the Purpose of Use of Funds, Etc. is Essential" Junkan Keirijouhou, 2023.
”Getting the Deal Through - Risk & Compliance Management 2022 - Japan Chapter” Japan - Risk & Compliance Management, 2022.
"The Theory and Practice of Equity Finance [3rd ed.]" Shojihomu Co., Ltd, 2022.
"ESG and Commercial Law" Shojihomu Co., Ltd, 2021.
"Commentary on Principles of the Revised CG Code and Initiatives for Issues Regarding Sustainability" Business Houmu, 2021.
"Considerations Regarding Insider Trading - In Light of Recent Trends" Monthly Audit & Supervisory Board Member, 2021.
"The challenges of standardising green bonds in Japan" IFLR, 2021.
"Legal Practice of Corporate Revitalization (3rd Edition)" KINZAI Institute for Financial Affairs, Inc., 2021.
"Getting the Deal Through - Risk & Compliance Management 2021 - Japan Chapter" Getting the Deal Through - Risk & Compliance Management 2021.
"ESG and Disclosure" Commercial Law Review, 2021.
"Corporate Legal Affairs: Recent Trends Regarding STOs (Security Token Offerings)" Accounting & Auditing Journal, 2021.
Chambers Review
Suguru Miyata is experienced in handling crisis management issues for Japanese companies, including listed corporates, and is particularly noted for his strength in dealing with accounting fraud and financial regulatory matters.
Latest contributions provided by Suguru Miyata
Provided by Chambers
"Mr Miyata is one of the leading lawyers in crisis management, especially in accounting fraud and Financial Services Agency regulation matters."
"Mr Miyata is one of the leading lawyers in crisis management, especially in accounting fraud and Financial Services Agency regulation matters."