Ranking tables
Arbitrators | Global
Rankings overview for Individuals
Senior Statespeople
Star Individuals
- Gabrielle Kaufmann-KohlerLévy Kaufmann-Kohler
Band 1
- Bernhard Berger Kellerhals Carrard16 Years Ranked
- Matthias Scherer Lalive16 Years Ranked
- Paolo Michele Patocchi Patocchi & Marzolini25 Years Ranked
- Wolfgang Peter Peter & Kim25 Years Ranked
- Georg von Segesservon Segesser Law Offices
- Laurent LévyLévy Kaufmann-Kohler
- Martin BernetBernet Arbitration / Dispute Management
- Philipp HabeggerHabegger Arbitration
- Sébastien BessonLévy Kaufmann-Kohler
Band 2
- Domitille Baizeau Lalive17 Years Ranked
- Elliott Geisinger Schellenberg Wittmer Ltd20 Years Ranked
- Xavier Favre-Bulle Lenz & Staehelin19 Years Ranked
- Nathalie Voserrothorn legal
- Pierre-Yves GunterGunter Arbitration
- Pierre-Yves TschanzTschanz Arbitration
- Urs Weber-StecherWeber-Stecher Arbitration • Mediation
Band 3
- Cesare Jermini Bär & Karrer Ltd16 Years Ranked
- Daniel Hochstrasser Daniel Hochstrasser AG19 Years Ranked
- Diana Akikol Walder Wyss Ltd.6 Years Ranked
- Frank Spoorenberg Niederer Kraft Frey16 Years Ranked
- Gabrielle Nater-Bass Homburger18 Years Ranked
- Nadja Jaisli Kull Bär & Karrer Ltd10 Years Ranked
- Veijo Heiskanen Arbitra13 Years Ranked
Band 4
Band 5
- Alexandra Johnson Pestalozzi4 Years Ranked
- Christian Oetiker VISCHER3 Years Ranked
- Christoph Brunner Brunner Arbitration7 Years Ranked
- David Roney Sidley Austin LLP13 Years Ranked
- Dorothee Schramm SwissArbitrator5 Years Ranked
- Ernst F Schmid Anwaltskanzlei Ernst F. Schmid18 Years Ranked
- Jean Marguerat MLL Legal Ltd7 Years Ranked
- Karin Graf VISCHER5 Years Ranked
- Luca Beffa Baker McKenzie1 Years Ranked
- Manuel Arroyo Eversheds Sutherland5 Years Ranked
- Michael Lazopoulos Lustenberger + Partners1 Years Ranked
- Paolo Marzolini Patocchi & Marzolini5 Years Ranked
- Roberto Dallafior Nater Dallafior Rechtsanwälte AG18 Years Ranked
All Individuals profiles
Senior Statespeople
S Michael E SchneiderLalive | Arbitrators2025 | Senior Statespeople | 25 Years RankedMichael Schneider has notable experience acting as president of ICSID proceedings and is honorary president of the Swiss Arbitration Association.S Pierre TercierPeter & Kim | Arbitrators2025 | Senior Statespeople | 21 Years RankedPierre Tercier possesses a longstanding reputation as an arbitrator. He also has experience sitting in ICC tribunals and has acted in commercial and investment cases.
Star Individuals
Band 1
1 Bernhard BergerKellerhals Carrard | Arbitrators2025 | Band 1 | 16 Years RankedBernhard Berger has extensive experience as arbitrator, including ad hoc, ICC and UNCITRAL proceedings relating to purchase agreements and contractual arbitrations.1 Matthias SchererLalive | Arbitrators2025 | Band 1 | 16 Years RankedMatthias Scherer is one of the leading arbitrators in Switzerland, with particular experience in ICC proceedings, overseeing construction and post-M&A arbitrations. In addition, he represents states in ICSID proceedings concerning bilateral investment treaties.
1 Paolo Michele PatocchiPatocchi & Marzolini | Arbitrators2025 | Band 1 | 25 Years RankedPaolo Michele Patocchi remains a strong figure in the market for his activity as arbitration counsel and arbitrator.1 Wolfgang PeterPeter & Kim | Arbitrators2025 | Band 1 | 25 Years RankedWolfgang Peter represents clients in high-profile investor-state, supply agreement, contractual and liability disputes. He also sits as arbitrator in SCC and ICC proceedings.
Band 2
2 Domitille BaizeauLalive | Arbitrators2025 | Band 2 | 17 Years RankedDomitille Baizeau acts as both presiding arbitrator and co-arbitrator in arbitrations under a range of rules, including those of the FAI, the ICC and ICSID. She also represents clients as counsel and is often active on matters relating to the energy and pharmaceutical sectors.2 Elliott GeisingerSchellenberg Wittmer Ltd | Arbitrators2025 | Band 2 | 20 Years RankedElliott Geisinger remains one of the most highly regarded arbitration counsel in Switzerland. He has particular expertise in construction disputes and is further active on matters relating to contracts. He also has a strong reputation as an arbitrator, frequently acting as co-arbitrator in commercial disputes under ICC rules.2 Xavier Favre-BulleLenz & Staehelin | Arbitrators2025 | Band 2 | 19 Years RankedXavier Favre-Bulle acts for clients in set-aside proceedings, and also has experience in post-M&A disputes and contractual arbitration. He has particular experience of Swiss Rules and ICC arbitration proceedings, as well as acting in arbitrations before the CAS.
Band 3
3 Cesare JerminiBär & Karrer Ltd | Arbitrators2025 | Band 3 | 16 Years RankedCesare Jermini acts as a sole arbitrator, co-arbitrator and chair in ICC and Swiss Rules arbitrations. He has notable experience acting in arbitrations involving Italian clients. He is based in the law firm's Lugano office.
3 Daniel HochstrasserDaniel Hochstrasser AG | Arbitrators2025 | Band 3 | 19 Years RankedDaniel Hochstrasser enjoys a solid reputation as arbitration counsel. He often represents clients from the pharmaceutical, energy and sports sectors. He also acts as chair or co-arbitrator in ICC proceedings.3 Diana AkikolWalder Wyss Ltd. | Arbitrators2025 | Band 3 | 6 Years RankedDiana Akikol has experience as an arbitrator and co-arbitrator in investment and contractual disputes under ICC rules. She has notable experience in construction, licensing, post-M&A and shareholder matters.
3 Frank SpoorenbergNiederer Kraft Frey | Arbitrators2025 | Band 3 | 16 Years RankedFrank Spoorenberg often acts as chair, sole arbitrator or co-arbitrator in Swiss Rules and ICC arbitrations, particularly in contractual and construction disputes. He has additional experience as arbitration counsel in shareholder and joint venture disputes.
3 Gabrielle Nater-BassHomburger | Arbitrators2025 | Band 3 | 18 Years RankedGabrielle Nater-Bass represents clients in disputes concerning contracts, construction projects and arbitral awards. She also frequently appears as an arbitrator in ICC proceedings, often as president.Key sectorsEnergy and Utilities|Financial Services|Health and Life Sciences|Sport|Technology, Media and Telecoms (TMT)3 Nadja Jaisli KullBär & Karrer Ltd | Arbitrators2025 | Band 3 | 10 Years RankedNadja Jaisli Kull often acts as counsel in commercial and construction disputes under ICC and Swiss Rules. She also appears as both a presiding arbitrator and co-arbitrator.
3 Veijo HeiskanenArbitra | Arbitrators2025 | Band 3 | 13 Years RankedVeijo Heiskanen is an independent arbitrator with longstanding expertise in international arbitration, boasting experience in high-profile ICSID and UNCITRAL proceedings. He is sought after for his skill advising on commercial and investment arbitration cases.
Key sectorsAgriculture and Agribusiness|Energy and Utilities|Government and Public Sector|Property, Construction and Infrastructure|Resources and Mining
Band 4
4 Andrea MeierWalder Wyss Ltd | Arbitrators2025 | Band 4 | 11 Years RankedAndrea Meier represents clients in supply chain disputes under ICC and Swiss rules. She also has experience sitting in arbitral tribunals for property, post-M&A and construction disputes.
4 Bernd EhleLalive | Arbitrators2025 | Band 4 | 13 Years RankedBernd Ehle has experience representing clients in significant arbitrations, including post-M&A proceedings and contract breaches. He has further experience acting as an arbitrator in ICC and DIS arbitrations, and he is dual-qualified in Germany and Switzerland.
4 Christopher BoogSchellenberg Wittmer Ltd | Arbitrators2025 | Band 4 | 10 Years RankedChristopher Boog has particular experience representing clients in ICC arbitrations, including advising on contractual disputes, construction arbitration, professional liability cases and investor-state disputes. He has notable experience representing clients in arbitrations seated in Singapore. Additionally, he has further experience with UNCITRAL and SIAC proceedings.
4 Laurent KilliasKillias & Legler - Dispute Resolution | Arbitrators2025 | Band 4 | 16 Years RankedLaurent Killias represents clients in commercial arbitrations under ICC and Swiss rules. He also has notable experience acting as presiding arbitrator and chair in ICC proceedings. He founded Killias & Legler - Dispute Resolution in January 2025 after leaving Pestalozzi.
4 Melissa MaglianaLalive | Arbitrators2025 | Band 4 | 5 Years RankedMelissa Magliana has notable experience representing clients in ICC arbitrations, usually involving either commercial or construction disputes. She also acts as co-arbitrator and chair in arbitral proceedings.4 Simon GabrielGabriel Arbitration AG | Arbitrators2025 | Band 4 | 9 Years RankedSimon Gabriel of Gabriel Arbitration AG acts as sole arbitrator, co-arbitrator and president of the tribunal in Swiss Rules and ICC arbitrations.
Band 5
5 Alexandra JohnsonPestalozzi | Arbitrators2025 | Band 5 | 4 Years RankedAlexandra Johnson frequently acts in a range of disputes under both Swiss Rules and ICC rules, including post-M&A proceedings and breach of consultancy agreements. She has additional experience in distribution and sport disputes. Her practice is bolstered by her ability to act as co-arbitrator and president of arbitral tribunals.
5 Christian OetikerVISCHER | Arbitrators2025 | Band 5 | 3 Years RankedChristian Oetiker represents clients from a range of industries in commercial disputes under ICC rules. He also sits as arbitrator and chairman in ICC tribunals.
5 Christoph BrunnerBrunner Arbitration | Arbitrators2025 | Band 5 | 7 Years RankedChristoph Brunner advises clients on contractual and liability disputes, including under ICC rules. He boasts additional strength acting as sole and co-arbitrator in cases relating to supply and distribution agreements.
5 David RoneySidley Austin LLP | Arbitrators2025 | Band 5 | 13 Years RankedDavid Roney has expertise in high-profile investment treaty arbitrations and often acts for clients in the sporting and pharmaceutical sectors. He is also regularly appointed as sole or presiding arbitrator in LCIA and ICC arbitrations.
5 Dorothee SchrammSwissArbitrator | Arbitrators2025 | Band 5 | 5 Years RankedDorothee Schramm regularly acts as a sole arbitrator in commercial arbitrations. She has particular expertise in disputes relating to the life sciences and technology sectors.
5 Ernst F SchmidAnwaltskanzlei Ernst F. Schmid | Arbitrators2025 | Band 5 | 18 Years RankedSole practitioner Ernst Schmid is frequently appointed as chair of arbitrations under Swiss, Viennese and UNCITRAL rules, handling contractual disputes and infrastructure-related arbitration.
5 Jean MargueratMLL Legal Ltd | Arbitrators2025 | Band 5 | 7 Years RankedJean Marguerat assists clients with arbitrations concerning lease agreements and partnership agreements. He also acts as president and arbitrator or co-arbitrator in ICC and Swiss Rules proceedings.5 Karin GrafVISCHER | Arbitrators2025 | Band 5 | 5 Years RankedKarin Graf often acts as chair or sole arbitrator in Swiss Rules and ICC arbitrations. She has particular experience arbitrating contractual disputes.
5 Luca BeffaBaker McKenzie | Arbitrators2025 | Band 5 | 1 Years RankedLuca Beffa demonstrates skill acting as presiding, sole and co-arbitrator in shareholder disputes and arbitration cases relating to supply, distribution and licensing agreements. He is regularly involved in matters governed by the ICC, CAS and Swiss rules.
5 Manuel ArroyoEversheds Sutherland | Arbitrators2025 | Band 5 | 5 Years RankedManuel Arroyo of Eversheds Sutherland acts as arbitrator or co-arbitrator in disputes under a range of rules, including those of the LCIA and ICC.5 Michael LazopoulosLustenberger + Partners | Arbitrators2025 | Band 5 | 1 Years RankedMichael Lazopoulos is regularly appointed as sole, presiding or co-arbitrator in ICC and Swiss Arbitration Centre cases to advise on contractual disputes.
5 Paolo MarzoliniPatocchi & Marzolini | Arbitrators2025 | Band 5 | 5 Years RankedPaolo Marzolini combines his experience as an arbitrator and arbitration counsel to assist clients with ICC proceedings and cases governed by Swiss Rules. He demonstrates particular prowess advising on cross-border disputes.
5 Roberto DallafiorNater Dallafior Rechtsanwälte AG | Arbitrators2025 | Band 5 | 18 Years RankedRoberto Dallafior assists clients with liability disputes, contractual arbitration and joint venture disputes. He acts in arbitration under ICC and Swiss rules, and is regularly appointed as a party-appointed arbitrator.