Ranking tables
Aviation: Finance | Brazil: Industries & Sectors
Rankings overview for Lawyers
Senior Statespeople
Band 1
Band 2
- Ana Luisa Castro Cunha Derenusson DDSA - De Luca, Derenusson, Schuttoff Advogados16 Years Ranked
- Caroline Guazzelli Queiroz Gomes Pinheiro Neto Advogados4 Years Ranked
- Adriana SimõesSimões Sociedade de Advogados
Up and Coming
Star Associates
All Lawyers profiles
Senior Statespeople
S Maria Regina Mangabeira Albernaz LynchMotta Fernandes Advogados | Aviation: Finance2024 | Senior Statespeople | 16 Years RankedMaria Regina Mangabeira Albernaz Lynch is considered among peers to be one of the great personalities when it comes to financing mandates in the aviation industry.
Band 1
1 Fabio FalkenburgerMachado Meyer | Aviation: Finance2024 | Band 1 | 16 Years RankedDistinguished lawyer Fabio Falkenburger is highly regarded by clients and peers alike for his capability in advising on both financing and regulatory matters.1 João Paulo de Carvalho Vianna ServeraVeirano Advogados | Aviation: Finance2024 | Band 1 | 8 Years RankedHead of the aviation department João Paulo de Carvalho Vianna Servera is a highly regarded practitioner, experienced in assisting clients with cross-border financing transactions.
Band 2
2 Ana Luisa Castro Cunha DerenussonDDSA - De Luca, Derenusson, Schuttoff Advogados | Aviation: Finance2024 | Band 2 | 16 Years RankedWidely respected Ana Luisa Castro Cunha Derenusson is a highly active specialist in aircraft financing deals and lease agreements. She has also been advising clients on regulatory matters before the ANAC. Derenusson is highly esteemed by both peers and clients.2 Caroline Guazzelli Queiroz GomesPinheiro Neto Advogados | Aviation: Finance2024 | Band 2 | 4 Years RankedCaroline Guazzelli Queiroz Gomes is active on a variety of aircraft financing deals and lease agreements.
Up and Coming
U Felipe BonsensoBonsenso Advogados | Aviation: Finance2024 | Up and Coming | 7 Years Ranked
Star Associates
- Vitor BarbosaMachado Meyer | Aviation: Finance2024 | Star Associates | 3 Years RankedStar associate Vitor Barbosa has great experience in sophisticated aviation matters.
Associates to watch
- Antonio de Paula Siqueira FilhoPinheiro Neto Advogados | Aviation: Finance2024 | Associates to watch | 3 Years RankedAssociate-to-watch Antonio de Paula Siqueira Filho is noted for handling transactional mandates.
- Marcelle Lopes FunariMattos Filho | Aviation: Finance2024 | Associates to watch | 3 Years RankedAssociate-to-watch Marcelle Lopes is familiar with regulatory mandates in the aviation practice area.