Ranking tables

Banking & Finance | Global


The Banking & Finance rankings table below has been designed to provide the most in-depth insights and reviews of the top ranked lawyers and law firms. The firms included in our rankings have been recommended by in-house counsel, other third-party experts and private practice lawyers. Our comprehensive research ensures you have all the information needed when looking to purchase legal services across Colombia.

Rankings overview for Departments


Band 1

  1. Brigard Urrutia
    Brigard Urrutia 22 Years Ranked
  2. Gómez-Pinzón

Band 2

  1. Garrigues 9 Years Ranked
  2. Cuatrecasas
  3. Dentons Cardenas & Cardenas
  4. Philippi Prietocarrizosa Ferrero DU & Uría
  5. Posse Herrera Ruiz

Band 3

  1. Baker McKenzie S.A.S.
    Baker McKenzie S.A.S. 16 Years Ranked
  2. Holland & Knight
    Holland & Knight 3 Years Ranked
  3. Martínez Quintero Mendoza González Laguado & De La Rosa
  4. Muñoz Aya
  5. Ustáriz & Abogados Estudio Jurídico

Band 1

  1. Carlos Fradique Méndez
    Carlos Fradique Méndez Brigard Urrutia21 Years Ranked
  2. Roberto Borras Garrigues7 Years Ranked
  3. Juan Fernando GaviriaPhilippi Prietocarrizosa Ferrero DU & Uría
  4. Manuel F Quinche GonzálezCuatrecasas
  5. Ricardo Fandiño De la CalleGómez-Pinzón

Band 3

  1. Camilo Gantiva Holland & Knight11 Years Ranked
  2. César Rodríguez
    César Rodríguez Brigard Urrutia8 Years Ranked
  3. Ricardo Trejos Robledo Baker McKenzie S.A.S.8 Years Ranked
  4. Andrés FlórezFlórez & Asociados
  5. Camilo Martínez BeltránMartínez Quintero Mendoza González Laguado & De La Rosa
  6. Daniel Londoño PinzónGómez-Pinzón
  7. Edgar MuñozMuñoz Aya
  8. Luis Humberto UstárizUstáriz & Abogados Estudio Jurídico

Band 4

  1. Daniel Rodríguez Bravo CMS Rodríguez-Azuero3 Years Ranked
  2. Francisco Noguera Garrigues5 Years Ranked
  3. Carolina DuqueAgathos Asesores
  4. José Federico UstárizUstáriz & Abogados Estudio Jurídico
  5. Mateo MendozaMendoza Abogados
  6. Sebastián LoraBrigard Urrutia

Up and Coming

  1. Daniela Mejía Dentons Cardenas & Cardenas2 Years Ranked
  2. Juliana Saa Holland & Knight3 Years Ranked
  3. Jesús AlbarránPosse Herrera Ruiz
  4. Juan Carlos PuentesCuatrecasas
  5. Natalia Arango BoteroCuatrecasas

Associates to watch

  1. Mónica Cubillos Baker McKenzie S.A.S.1 Years Ranked
  2. Carlos GuzmánMartínez Quintero Mendoza González Laguado & De La Rosa
  3. Catalina Prieto NúñezGómez-Pinzón

All Departments profiles


Band 1

  1. Brigard Urrutia
    Brigard Urrutia
    Banking & Finance
    2025 | Band 1 | 22 Years Ranked

    Brigard Urrutia is an outstanding law firm that possesses a renowned and market-leading banking and finance department in Colombia. The legal team is acclaimed for assisting with the financing of large national infrastructure projects, corporations and assets, and provides substantial advice to clients on complex regulatory issues. Brigard Urrutia's stellar client roster includes high-profile lenders, particularly major Colombian and international banks, as well as borrowers from the construction, transportation and aviation sectors.

  2. Gómez-Pinzón
    Banking & Finance
    2025 | Band 1

Band 2

  1. 2
    Banking & Finance
    2025 | Band 2 | 9 Years Ranked
    Garrigues has an established team that is appreciated for its work acting on a range of banking and finance mandates in Colombia. Garrigues has a particular focus on advising major Colombian and international financial institutions on regulatory banking matters, and assists them with their procedures before the SFC. The legal team also has notable experience dealing with complex project finance transactions, representing both lenders and borrowers.
  2. Cuatrecasas
    Banking & Finance
    2025 | Band 2
  3. Dentons Cardenas & Cardenas
    Banking & Finance
    2025 | Band 2
  4. Philippi Prietocarrizosa Ferrero DU & Uría
    Banking & Finance
    2025 | Band 2
  5. Posse Herrera Ruiz
    Banking & Finance
    2025 | Band 2

Band 3

  1. Baker McKenzie S.A.S.
    Baker McKenzie S.A.S.
    Banking & Finance
    2025 | Band 3 | 16 Years Ranked

    Baker McKenzie fields a recognised team that has a significant presence within the banking and finance arena in Colombia. The legal department frequently assists local and international companies with cross-border corporate financing mandates. Baker McKenzie is also adept at drafting complex multilateral loans and advising on debt restructuring.

  2. Holland & Knight
    Holland & Knight
    Banking & Finance
    2025 | Band 3 | 3 Years Ranked

    Global law firm Holland & Knight covers a broad range of legal work within the banking and finance sector in Colombia. The department is able to provide expert legal counsel to domestic and international banks, investors, broker-dealers and other financial institutions on complex financing transactions, as well as on regulatory banking issues.

  3. Martínez Quintero Mendoza González Laguado & De La Rosa
    Banking & Finance
    2025 | Band 3
  4. Muñoz Aya
    Banking & Finance
    2025 | Band 3
  5. Ustáriz & Abogados Estudio Jurídico
    Banking & Finance
    2025 | Band 3