Ranking tables

Banking & Finance | Global


The Banking & Finance rankings table below has been designed to provide the most in-depth insights and reviews of the top ranked lawyers and law firms. The firms included in our rankings have been recommended by in-house counsel, other third-party experts and private practice lawyers. Our comprehensive research ensures you have all the information needed when looking to purchase legal services across Paraguay.

Rankings overview for Departments


Band 1

  1. Estudio Jurídico Gross Brown
  2. Vouga Abogados

Band 3

  1. BKM - Berkemeyer
  2. Colab
  3. Moreno Ruffinelli & Asociados
  4. Olmedo Abogados
  5. Palacios, Prono y Talavera Abogados

Senior Statespeople

  1. Gustavo OlmedoOlmedo Abogados
  2. Jorge Gross BrownEstudio Jurídico Gross Brown
  3. Juan FiorioFiorio, Cardozo & Alvarado
  4. Rodolfo Vouga MullerVouga Abogados

Band 1

  1. Cynthia FatechaVouga Abogados
  2. Sigfrido Gross BrownEstudio Jurídico Gross Brown

Band 2

  1. Carlos Codas
    Carlos Codas Ferrere6 Years Ranked
  2. Carlos VougaVouga Abogados
  3. Graciela RoygOlmedo Abogados

Band 3

  1. Carlos Vasconsellos
    Carlos Vasconsellos Ferrere11 Years Ranked
  2. Jorge Ignacio Gross BrownColab
  3. María Esmeralda MorenoMoreno Ruffinelli & Asociados
  4. Pablo Cheng LuMersán Abogados

Up and Coming

  1. Juan Pablo Palacios VelázquezPalacios, Prono y Talavera Abogados
  2. Manuel AriasBKM - Berkemeyer

Associates to watch

  1. Mauricio SalgueiroColab
  2. Milena SljivichBKM - Berkemeyer
  3. Pablo DebuchyEstudio Jurídico Gross Brown

All Departments profiles


Band 1

  1. Estudio Jurídico Gross Brown
    Banking & Finance
    2025 | Band 1
  2. Vouga Abogados
    Banking & Finance
    2025 | Band 1

Band 2

  1. Ferrere
    Banking & Finance
    2025 | Band 2 | 13 Years Ranked

    Ferrere is a highly respected regional firm enjoying significant expertise acting for major multilateral financial institutions and multinational investment banks on transactional mandates. The legal division is frequently sought after to handle project financing, fund formation and regulatory compliance mandates. Ferrere is also experienced in capital markets transactions, regularly representing issuers and guarantors in high-level debt offerings and securities matters.


Band 3

  1. BKM - Berkemeyer
    Banking & Finance
    2025 | Band 3
  2. Colab
    Banking & Finance
    2025 | Band 3
  3. Moreno Ruffinelli & Asociados
    Banking & Finance
    2025 | Band 3
  4. Olmedo Abogados
    Banking & Finance
    2025 | Band 3
  5. Palacios, Prono y Talavera Abogados
    Banking & Finance
    2025 | Band 3