Ranking tables
Banking & Finance: Regulatory | Europe
Rankings overview for Lawyers
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Band 1
1 Paulo CâmaraSérvulo & Associados | Banking & Finance: Regulatory2024 | Band 1 | 15 Years RankedPaulo Câmara leads financial services regulatory matters both for major Portuguese banks and for new entrants to the market.
Band 2
2 Manuel MagalhãesSérvulo & Associados | Banking & Finance: Regulatory2024 | Band 2 | 18 Years RankedManuel Magalhães has notable experience in financing matters arising within the context of insolvencies of Portuguese credit institutions. He also earns praise for his broader finance practice, which includes advice on the negotiation of new corporate loans. His expertise also covers regulatory banking mandates.2 Paulo Costa MartinsCuatrecasas | Banking & Finance: Regulatory2024 | Band 2 | 6 Years RankedPaulo Costa Martins is best known for his handling of financial regulation matters. He is skilled at assisting clients from the financial sector with the regulatory aspects of corporate transactions.
Band 3
3 Tiago Correia MoreiraVdA Vieira de Almeida | Banking & Finance: Regulatory2024 | Band 3 | 12 Years RankedTiago Correia Moreira advises originator banks, issuers and investors on all transactional and regulatory matters arising in relation to securitisations.