Ranking tables

FinTech Legal | FinTech

Taiwan Jurisdiction

Rankings overview for Departments


Band 1

  1. Enlighten Law Group 2 Years Ranked
  2. Lee and Li Attorneys-at-Law

Band 2

  1. Eiger

Band 1

  1. Kunchou Tsai
    Kunchou Tsai Enlighten Law Group1 Years Ranked
  2. Eddie HsiungLee and Li Attorneys-at-Law
  3. Ken-Ying TsengLee and Li Attorneys-at-Law

All Departments profiles


Band 1

  1. 1
    Enlighten Law Group
    FinTech Legal
    2025 | Band 1 | 2 Years Ranked
    Enlighten Law Group frequently acts for financial service providers, FinTechs and technology companies in funding rounds, investments, and on acquisitions. The team is experienced in crypto-assets, NFT, Web3 and blockchain technology.
  2. Lee and Li Attorneys-at-Law
    FinTech Legal
    2025 | Band 1

Band 2

  1. Eiger
    FinTech Legal
    2025 | Band 2