Ranking tables

General Business Law (Expertise Based Abroad) | Global


The General Business Law (Expertise Based Abroad) rankings table below has been designed to provide the most in-depth insights and reviews of the top ranked lawyers and law firms. The firms included in our rankings have been recommended by in-house counsel, other third-party experts and private practice lawyers. Our comprehensive research ensures you have all the information needed when looking to purchase legal services across Botswana.

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South Africa

  1. Norton Rose Fulbright
    General Business Law (Expertise Based Abroad)
    2025 | Spotlight | 8 Years Ranked

    Norton Rose Fulbright has a strong global reach and reputation, and provides clients with support on Botswana-related matters from its London and Johannesburg offices. Lawyers in the team offer many years of experience in mining and energy project financing. It regularly works alongside local financial institutions on significant transactions.