Ranking tables

General Business Law (Expertise Based Abroad) | Global


The General Business Law (Expertise Based Abroad) rankings table below has been designed to provide the most in-depth insights and reviews of the top ranked lawyers and law firms. The firms included in our rankings have been recommended by in-house counsel, other third-party experts and private practice lawyers. Our comprehensive research ensures you have all the information needed when looking to purchase legal services across Ethiopia.

Rankings overview for Departments

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  1. BonelliErede
    General Business Law (Expertise Based Abroad)
    2025 | Spotlight | 13 Years Ranked

    Lidet Abebe Tizazu Law Office is especially well reputed for the strength of its practice in intellectual property, which includes litigation and patent protection, as well as registration. The firm has further expertise in matters of foreign investment, energy and natural resources, real estate and M&A. Its client base is composed of both Ethiopian and overseas companies. The practice's offering is strengthened by its collaboration with leading Italian law firm BonelliErede.


  1. Clifford Chance LLP
    Clifford Chance LLP
    General Business Law (Expertise Based Abroad)
    2025 | Spotlight | 7 Years Ranked