Ranking tables

General Business Law | Global


The General Business Law rankings table below has been designed to provide the most in-depth insights and reviews of the top ranked lawyers and law firms. The firms included in our rankings have been recommended by in-house counsel, other third-party experts and private practice lawyers. Our comprehensive research ensures you have all the information needed when looking to purchase legal services across Réunion.

Rankings overview for Departments


  1. Affejee Sandberg & Associés
  2. Cabinet Codet Chopin
  3. Cabinet Pragma
  4. SCP Canale - Gauthier - Antelme - Bentolila
  5. Séraphin & Associés

Band 1

  1. David AffejeeAffejee Sandberg & Associés
  2. David SeraphinSéraphin & Associés
  3. Djalil GangateCabinet Djalil Gangate

Band 2

  1. Cécile BentolilaSCP Canale - Gauthier - Antelme - Bentolila
  2. Celine Mazaudier Pichon de BuryCabinet Pragma
  3. Guillaume de GeryCabinet Gery Schaepman
  4. Laetitia RigaultCabinet Pragma
  5. Olivier ChopinCabinet Codet Chopin
  6. Pauline BarandePB Avocats
  7. Réchad PatelPatel Avocats
  8. Stephane BigotSole Practitioner - Stéphane Bigot
  9. Thierry CodetCabinet Codet Chopin
  10. Thierry GangateCabinet Thierry Gangate

All Departments profiles


  1. Affejee Sandberg & Associés
    General Business Law
    2025 | Spotlight
  2. Cabinet Codet Chopin
    General Business Law
    2025 | Spotlight
  3. Cabinet Pragma
    General Business Law
    2025 | Spotlight
  4. SCP Canale - Gauthier - Antelme - Bentolila
    General Business Law
    2025 | Spotlight
  5. Séraphin & Associés
    General Business Law
    2025 | Spotlight