Ranking tables
International Trade | Global
Rankings overview for Departments
Band 1
- Economic Laws Practice
Band 2
- Lakshmikumaran & Sridharan 16 Years Ranked
- APJ-SLG Law Offices
- Kochhar & Co.
- Sarvada Legal
Band 3
- Dua Associates 10 Years Ranked
- DSK Legal
Band 4
- Khaitan & Co
- TPM Consultants
Eminent Practitioners
- Suhail NathaniEconomic Laws Practice
Band 1
- Sanjay NotaniEconomic Laws Practice
- Seetharaman SampathSarvada Legal
- Sharad BhansaliAPJ-SLG Law Offices
Band 2
- Dhruv Gupta Trilegal5 Years Ranked
- Shiraz Patodia Dua Associates12 Years Ranked
- Anuradha R VClarus Law Associates
- Atul SharmaSarvada Legal
- Jitendra SinghAPJ-SLG Law Offices
- Reena KhairKochhar & Co.
Band 3
- Ashish ChandraDSK Legal
Up and Coming
- Ankur Sharma Lakshmikumaran & Sridharan2 Years Ranked
- Ambarish SathianathanEconomic Laws Practice
- Parthsarathi JhaEconomic Laws Practice
All Departments profiles
Band 1
Band 2
2 Lakshmikumaran & SridharanInternational Trade2025 | Band 2 | 16 Years RankedLakshmikumaran & Sridharan maintains a respected practice with expertise covering WTO, anti-subsidy and anti-dumping investigations. The team is particularly well known for contentious work, representing exporters and domestic producers, as well as foreign governments. The firm has experience in trade remedy matters across a variety of industrial sectors, including steel, textiles, petrochemicals and manufacturing.
Band 3
3 Dua AssociatesInternational Trade2025 | Band 3 | 10 Years RankedThe Dua Associates team offers over a decade of experience representing clients in safeguard, anti-dumping and countervailing duty trade remedy matters. The firm represents major-name multinationals, including from the technology, chemical and manufacturing sectors. The team holds a solid track record of working on cases with issues relating to South-East Asia, East Asia, the Middle East and North America.