Ranking tables

International Trade/WTO | Global


The International Trade/WTO section covers classic trade cases such as anti-dumping, countervailing duties, export control and other customs/tariff classifications and regulatory work. The practice area also includes issues such as WTO and other treaty-based trade and investment disputes, bilateral and multilateral trade negotiations, and market access issues.

Rankings overview for Departments


Band 2

  1. Azevedo Sette Advogados
  2. MPA Trade Law

Band 4

  1. Nasser Advogados
    Nasser Advogados 11 Years Ranked
  2. Trench Rossi Watanabe
    Trench Rossi Watanabe 7 Years Ranked
  3. Bichara Advogados
  4. Carla Junqueira & Associadas Trade Law
  5. Grinberg, Cordovil Advogados
  6. MW Trade

Band 2

  1. Lucas Spadano
    Lucas Spadano Madrona Fialho Advogados10 Years Ranked
  2. Andrea Weiss BalassianoMW Trade
  3. Carol Monteiro de CarvalhoMW Trade
  4. Claudia MarquesMPA Trade Law
  5. Luiz Eduardo SallesAzevedo Sette Advogados
  6. Rodrigo PupoMPA Trade Law

Band 4

  1. Rabih Ali Nasser
    Rabih Ali Nasser Nasser Advogados16 Years Ranked
  2. Karla BorgesBFSA - Borges Furlaneto Sociedade de Advogados
  3. Leonor CordovilGrinberg, Cordovil Advogados
  4. Ricardo Casanova MottaGrinberg, Cordovil Advogados
  5. Yi Shin TangMagalhães e Dias

Up and Coming

  1. Giuseppe Pecorari MelottiBichara Advogados
  2. Lucas Mandelbaum BianchiniAzevedo Sette Advogados

Associates to watch

  1. Carol Sayeg
    Carol Sayeg Pinheiro Neto Advogados4 Years Ranked
  2. Deborah De Sousa e Castro Melo
    Deborah De Sousa e Castro Melo Trench Rossi Watanabe3 Years Ranked
  3. Ana Luiza SanchesMagalhães e Dias
  4. Bernardo Veloso LeiteGrinberg, Cordovil Advogados
  5. Camila TomimatsuMagalhães e Dias
  6. Carolina MullerBichara Advogados
  7. Ingrid Bandeira SantosAzevedo Sette Advogados
  8. Renata Seixas Corrêa Sant'AnnaGaia Silva Gaede Advogados

All Departments profiles


Band 1

  1. Demarest Advogados
    Demarest Advogados
    International Trade/WTO
    2025 | Band 1 | 17 Years Ranked

    Demarest Advogados' heavyweight department leads high-profile mandates arising from the international trade arena. The experienced team acts on sophisticated anti-dumping investigations, sunset reviews and customs mandates, including contentious issues. Its client roster includes companies from the sports, mining and pharmaceutical industries. The team offers additional capabilities assisting with tariff reduction and classification matters as well as advising on free trade agreements.

  2. Pinheiro Neto Advogados
    Pinheiro Neto Advogados
    International Trade/WTO
    2025 | Band 1 | 17 Years Ranked

    Pinheiro Neto Advogados has a top-tier practice group often retained by major players from the food, automotive and agribusiness industries to act on international trade matters. It possesses a strong track record acting on sophisticated trade remedies issues such as anti-dumping investigations and sunset reviews. The experienced team has additional capabilities in handling complex WTO disputes, customs mandates including tariff reduction claims and public interest proceedings.

  3. Veirano Advogados
    Veirano Advogados
    International Trade/WTO
    2025 | Band 1 | 17 Years Ranked

    Veirano Advogados' prestigious practice group is recognised for its lengthy track record and boasts capabilities handling complex international trade matters. Its seasoned team continues to be retained by corporations to assist with sophisticated WTO disputes, anti-dumping investigations and sunset reviews. The firm is additionally well equipped to act on tariff classification, sector-related compliance mandates and refined legal opinions. Its client portfolio comprises players from the mining, food and chemical sectors.


Band 2

  1. Azevedo Sette Advogados
    International Trade/WTO
    2025 | Band 2
  2. MPA Trade Law
    International Trade/WTO
    2025 | Band 2

Band 3

  1. Madrona Fialho Advogados
    Madrona Fialho Advogados
    International Trade/WTO
    2025 | Band 3 | 6 Years Ranked
    Madrona Fialho Advogados is noted for its solid expertise in the international trade/WTO arena. The firm is regularly mandated by important domestic and international clients from several industries, such as construction, engineering and pharmaceuticals, as well as industry associations. The seasoned team is well known for its contentious and non-contentious support on sophisticated matters including legal opinions, tax discussions and review of anti-dumping duties.
  2. TozziniFreire Advogados
    TozziniFreire Advogados
    International Trade/WTO
    2025 | Band 3 | 17 Years Ranked

    TozziniFreire Advogados is a firm regularly acting as counsel to important players hailing from the automotive, technology and consumer goods industries. The team is well equipped to assist with a wide range of matters including anti-dumping investigations, sunset reviews and tariff classification. It is also sought after by clients to handle customs, chain structuring and supply agreements mandates.

  3. Magalhães e Dias
    International Trade/WTO
    2025 | Band 3

Band 4

  1. Nasser Advogados
    Nasser Advogados
    International Trade/WTO
    2025 | Band 4 | 11 Years Ranked
    Nasser Sociedade de Advogados offers experience in handling a wide range of trade remedies mandates including anti-dumping investigations and WTO disputes. The team is often recognised for its lengthy track record and academic prowess. It is retained by important players from the rubber, steel and tobacco industries and offers additional capabilities handling customs matters, sunset reviews and sector-related contractual issues.
  2. Trench Rossi Watanabe
    Trench Rossi Watanabe
    International Trade/WTO
    2025 | Band 4 | 7 Years Ranked

    Trench Rossi Watanabe joins the rankings with market recognition for its international trade practice. It assists significant global players with countervailing duties, customs and sunset reviews. The firm is frequently sought out by clients from the agriculture, games and pharmaceutical sectors.

  3. Bichara Advogados
    International Trade/WTO
    2025 | Band 4
  4. Carla Junqueira & Associadas Trade Law
    International Trade/WTO
    2025 | Band 4
  5. Grinberg, Cordovil Advogados
    International Trade/WTO
    2025 | Band 4
  6. MW Trade
    International Trade/WTO
    2025 | Band 4