Ranking tables

Litigation: Mediators | USA


This section ranks the USA's leading mediators. All are successful resolvers of disputes. Organisation rankings are not given, as parties in dispute tend to agree on instructing individual mediators suited to their personalities and to the nature of their case, rather than a provider or mediation set.

Rankings overview for Lawyers

Band 1
  1. Dana FabeFabe Dispute Resolution
  2. Matthew PetersonClapp, Peterson, Tiemessen, Thorsness & Johnson, LLC
  3. Sen TanSen Tan Solutions

All Lawyers profiles

Band 1
  1. Dana Fabe
    Fabe Dispute Resolution | Litigation: Mediators
    2024 | Band 1
  2. Matthew Peterson
    Clapp, Peterson, Tiemessen, Thorsness & Johnson, LLC | Litigation: Mediators
    2024 | Band 1
  3. Sen Tan
    Sen Tan Solutions | Litigation: Mediators
    2024 | Band 1