Ranking tables
Real Estate: Zoning/Land Use | USA
Rankings overview for Lawyers
Band 1
- Charles Landry Fishman Haygood LLP20 Years Ranked
- Michael G. ShermanSherman Strategies LLC
- Michael HebertBecker & Hebert
All Lawyers profiles
Band 1
1 Charles LandryFishman Haygood LLP | Real Estate: Zoning/Land Use2024 | Band 1 | 20 Years RankedCharles Landry handles real estate projects for a range of clients, including developers and solar power companies. He is noted for his expertise in handling land use matters, including zoning and permitting work.
Band 2
2 Erik PiazzaPhelps Dunbar LLP | Real Estate: Zoning/Land Use2024 | Band 2 | 2 Years RankedErik Piazza is noted for his expert handling of planning and zoning, condominium regimes and other commercial real estate transactions.
2 Neil ErwinNeil Erwin Law | Real Estate: Zoning/Land Use2024 | Band 2 | 2 Years RankedNeil Erwin of Neil Erwin Law is an established Shreveport lawyer with extensive zoning expertise. He is adept in representing local governments, individuals and corporations.
2 Richard F. CortizasJones Walker LLP | Real Estate: Zoning/Land Use2024 | Band 2 | 2 Years RankedRichard Cortizas represents developers, individuals and corporations in complex land use and zoning matters.
2 Rose LeBretonLugenbuhl, Wheaton, Peck, Rankin & Hubbard | Real Estate: Zoning/Land Use2024 | Band 2 | 12 Years RankedRose LeBreton of Lugenbuhl, Wheaton, Peck, Rankin & Hubbard has vast experience in handling a range of complex title matters as part of a wider transactional practice. She is also noted for her expertise in land use matters.