Ranking tables
Shipping | Europe
Rankings overview for Departments
Band 1
- ErsoyBilgehan 9 Years Ranked
- Erçin Bilgin Bektaşoğlu
Band 2
Band 3
- Esenyel|Partners Lawyers & Consultants 8 Years Ranked
- Inal Law Office
- NSN Law Firm
Senior Statespeople
Band 1
Band 2
- Semih Sander Balcıoğlu Selçuk Eymirlioğlu Ardıyok Keki Avukatlık Ortaklığı (BASEAK)9 Years Ranked
- Nazlı SelekNSN Law Firm
- Savaş İnandıoğluTilegal
Band 3
- Selçuk Esenyel Esenyel|Partners Lawyers & Consultants8 Years Ranked
- Burcu Celikcapa-BilginErçin Bilgin Bektaşoğlu
- Dilek Bektaşoğlu-SanlıErçin Bilgin Bektaşoğlu
- Kerem ErtanTam & Ertan Law Office
- Seyma InalInal Law Office
- Sinan ŞenolŞenol Somran
Up and Coming
All Departments profiles
Band 1
1 ErsoyBilgehanShipping2024 | Band 1 | 9 Years RankedErsoyBilgehan boasts an outstanding shipping team with a wealth of experience in wet and dry matters, including collisions, cargo claims, pollution matters and ship repairs. The lawyers are experienced in advising leading P&I clubs and international banks on shipping issues. The team acts for underwriters on liability issues arising from fires and onboard accidents, and is further active in shipping finance and sales.
Band 2
2 Balcıoğlu Selçuk Eymirlioğlu Ardıyok Keki Avukatlık Ortaklığı (BASEAK)Shipping2024 | Band 2 | 9 Years RankedBalcıoğlu Selçuk Ardıyok Keki Attorney Partnership houses a shipping team with experience in the sale and mortgaging of maritime equipment and vehicles. The law firm is also active in litigation and disputes concerning demurrage, cargo and licences. The lawyers are well placed to represent lenders, operators and ship owners.
Band 3
3 Esenyel|Partners Lawyers & ConsultantsShipping2024 | Band 3 | 8 Years RankedEsenyel|Partners acts on a wide range of wet and dry shipping matters, including cargo and damage claims, vessel arrests, collisions and settlement negotiations. The team also holds experience assisting clients with salvage operations and ship transactions.