Ranking tables
Tax: Consultants | Germany
Rankings overview for Individuals
Senior Statespeople
Eminent Practitioners
All Individuals profiles
Senior Statespeople
S Thomas TöbenYPOG | Tax: Consultants2025 | Senior Statespeople | 19 Years RankedThomas Töben is highly reputed for both domestic and international corporate tax matters, with experience across real estate investments, fund structuring, M&A transactions and corporate reorganisations.
Eminent Practitioners
E Thomas RödderFlick Gocke Schaumburg | Tax: Consultants2025 | Eminent Practitioners | 19 Years RankedThomas Rödder has an impressive track record of advising on complex reorganisations, transactions and corporate tax matters.
Band 1
1 Jens BlumenbergLinklaters | Tax: Consultants2025 | Band 1 | 19 Years RankedJens Blumenberg enjoys a strong reputation for corporate tax and compliance mandates. He is particularly noted for his work relating to M&A transactions and also experience in contentious matters.
Band 2
2 Michael BestPOELLATH | Tax: Consultants2025 | Band 2 | 19 Years RankedMichael Best is well known for advising private equity firms and investors on fund structuring and the tax aspects of domestic and international transactions.
2 Pia DorfmuellerDentons | Tax: Consultants2025 | Band 2 | 11 Years RankedPia Dorfmueller advises across a broad spectrum of tax issues including regulatory advice, corporate reorganisations and transactions as well as intellectual property taxation.
Band 3
3 Andreas SchaflitzlLinklaters | Tax: Consultants2025 | Band 3 | 15 Years RankedAndreas Schaflitzl advises clients on the tax aspects of transactions, including sales and investments.
3 Andreas SchumacherFlick Gocke Schaumburg | Tax: Consultants2025 | Band 3 | 19 Years RankedAndreas Schumacher has extensive knowledge of corporate tax, handling complex structure developments in regard to joint ventures.
3 Carsten HeinzNoerr | Tax: Consultants2025 | Band 3 | 4 Years RankedCarsten Heinz is a well-regarded figure in the market, noted for his work in providing tax advice to clients in relation to M&A transactions and restructurings.
3 Georg EdelmannNoerr | Tax: Consultants2025 | Band 3 | 17 Years RankedGeorg Edelmann co-heads the firm's tax practice. He handles tax advice for corporate restructurings and cross-border financings as well as tax audits and contentious procedures.
3 Xaver DitzFlick Gocke Schaumburg | Tax: Consultants2025 | Band 3 | 3 Years RankedXaver Ditz is well known in the area of tax law, with expertise in both contentious and non-contentious tax matters concerning areas such as tax audits and structuring.