Ranking tables
Tax: International Tax | Global
Rankings overview for Lawyers
Senior Statespeople
- Samuel Weiner Latham & Watkins LLP15 Years Ranked
- James P FullerFenwick
Band 1
- Philip WestSteptoe LLP
Band 2
- Jiyeon Lee-Lim Latham & Watkins LLP5 Years Ranked
- Michael Mollerus Davis Polk & Wardwell LLP15 Years Ranked
- Nicholas J DeNovio Latham & Watkins LLP15 Years Ranked
- Ronald E Creamer Jr Cravath, Swaine & Moore LLP16 Years Ranked
- David ForstFenwick
- Jason R FactorCleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP
- Lowell D YoderMcDermott Will & Emery LLP
Band 3
- Barton Bassett Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP5 Years Ranked
- F Scott Farmer Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP22 Years Ranked
- Alexander LeeCooley LLP
- Peter F G SchuurDebevoise & Plimpton LLP
- Sam K KaywoodAlston & Bird LLP
All Lawyers profiles
Senior Statespeople
S Samuel WeinerLatham & Watkins LLP | Tax: International Tax2025 | Senior Statespeople | 15 Years RankedSamuel Weiner is commended for his handling of tax issues stemming from corporate transactions. His expertise includes managing cross-border tax matters.
Band 1
Band 2
2 Jiyeon Lee-LimLatham & Watkins LLP | Tax: International Tax2025 | Band 2 | 5 Years RankedJiyeon Lee-Lim is a premier practitioner who chairs the global tax team at the firm. She is sought out for her market-leading expertise in the tax aspects of capital markets transactions.2 Michael MollerusDavis Polk & Wardwell LLP | Tax: International Tax2025 | Band 2 | 15 Years RankedMichael Mollerus is a well-regarded tax practitioner with commendable expertise in M&A and other corporate transactions. His client roster includes private equity firms.2 Nicholas J DeNovioLatham & Watkins LLP | Tax: International Tax2025 | Band 2 | 15 Years RankedNicholas DeNovio offers considerable expertise in the tax aspects of cross-border corporate transactions.2 Ronald E Creamer JrCravath, Swaine & Moore LLP | Tax: International Tax2025 | Band 2 | 16 Years RankedRonald Creamer is noted for his strong capabilities in complex cross-border tax matters and frequently represents clients in M&A.- Jason R FactorCleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP | Tax: International Tax2025 | Band 2
Band 3
3 Barton BassettMorgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP | Tax: International Tax2025 | Band 3 | 5 Years RankedBarton Bassett is sought out for his expertise in transactional tax structuring matters, as well as controversy issues. He works with an extensive client base which includes West Coast-based and international corporations.3 F Scott FarmerMorgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP | Tax: International Tax2025 | Band 3 | 22 Years RankedScott Farmer provides high-level advice on complex tax issues arising out of M&A. He is adept at handling cross-border tax issues.