Ranking tables
TMT: Information Technology | Europe
Rankings overview for Lawyers
Senior Statespeople
- Arve FøyenArve Føyen
Band 1
Band 2
Band 3
Band 4
- Kristian Foss Bull7 Years Ranked
- Kristin Haram Førde Bull4 Years Ranked
- Nils Kristian Einstabland Selmer12 Years Ranked
- Stephan Brodschöll Advokatfirmaet CLP5 Years Ranked
- Stian Sørensen Schilvold Bull5 Years Ranked
- Torstein Arendt Tenden Advokatfirma ANS15 Years Ranked
- Trine Vabog Advokatfirmaet Simonsen Vogt Wiig1 Years Ranked
All Lawyers profiles
Senior Statespeople
Band 1
1 Espen A WerringAdvokatfirmaet Thommessen AS | TMT: Information Technology2024 | Band 1 | 11 Years RankedEspen Werring advises on a broad array of technology mandates from large IT outsourcings and SaaS agreements to IT infrastructure expansion and system implementations. He also assists with GDPR compliance.1 Rolf RiisnæsWikborg Rein Advokatfirma AS | TMT: Information Technology2024 | Band 1 | 11 Years RankedHighly appreciated adviser Rolf Riisnæs assists prominent public entities with large IT infrastructure projects, cloud service agreements and digitalisation projects across Norway, with further expertise in data protection.
Band 2
2 Arne BybergWikborg Rein Advokatfirma AS | TMT: Information Technology2024 | Band 2 | 4 Years RankedArne Byberg regularly assists with contract negotiations and software procurements, with further expertise in IT-related disputes. He joined Wikborg Rein from Haavind in August 2024.
2 Lars Folkvard GiskeAdvokatfirmaet Føyen AS | TMT: Information Technology2024 | Band 2 | 11 Years RankedLars Folkvard Giske regularly advises high-profile clients on IT contracts, system implementations and cloud strategies as well as procurements.2 Leif Eirik ThraneWikborg Rein Advokatfirma AS | TMT: Information Technology2024 | Band 2 | 8 Years RankedLeif Eirik Thrane's expertise in the IT world ranges from large outsourcings to procurements, where he advises public entities and private companies. He also assists with technology-related M&A transactions. He moved from Haavind to Wikborg Rein in September 2024.
2 Ståle L HagenSelmer | TMT: Information Technology2024 | Band 2 | 11 Years RankedStåle Hagen advises on complex IT agreements, large transformation projects and procurement, with further strength in IT-related disputes, particularly in relation to ERP systems.2 Tor StokkeAdvokatfirmaet Simonsen Vogt Wiig | TMT: Information Technology2024 | Band 2 | 7 Years RankedTor Stokke has a strong presence in IT mandates ranging from new IT platform establishments to procurements and contract negotiations.
Band 3
3 Christopher Sparre-Enger ClausenAdvokatfirmaet Thommessen AS | TMT: Information Technology2024 | Band 3 | 6 Years RankedChristopher Sparre-Enger Clausen is highly active in a variety of IT mandates including GDPR compliance, procurement mandates, contract negotiations and fintech issues as well as cybersecurity.3 Rune OpdahlWiersholm | TMT: Information Technology2024 | Band 3 | 15 Years RankedRune Opdahl regularly advises on IT contracts, with particular expertise in outsourcing. He is also strong in data protection, especially with data processing and collections and related disputes with authorities.
Band 4
4 Kristian FossBull | TMT: Information Technology2024 | Band 4 | 7 Years RankedKristian Foss assists clients with cloud service agreements and IT outsourcings as well as procurement.4 Kristin Haram FørdeBull | TMT: Information Technology2024 | Band 4 | 4 Years RankedKristin Haram Førde is appreciated for her expertise in IT and data protection, advising on outsourcings, data sharing and SaaS platforms as well as GDPR compliance.4 Nils Kristian EinstablandSelmer | TMT: Information Technology2024 | Band 4 | 12 Years RankedNils Kristian Einstabland assists with regulatory IT issues, transformation projects, and IT contract negotiations. He also advises on IT-related M&A transactions.4 Stephan BrodschöllAdvokatfirmaet CLP | TMT: Information Technology2024 | Band 4 | 5 Years RankedStephan Brodschöll of Advokatfirmaet CLP assists with IT contracts as well as M&A transactions and negotiations, where he advises domestic software companies.4 Stian Sørensen SchilvoldBull | TMT: Information Technology2024 | Band 4 | 5 Years RankedStian Sørensen Schilvold advises well-known Norwegian corporates on GDPR compliance and IT-related issues.4 Torstein ArendtTenden Advokatfirma ANS | TMT: Information Technology2024 | Band 4 | 15 Years RankedTorstein Arendt is appreciated for his expertise in advising public entities on large platform procurements and IT contracts.4 Trine VabogAdvokatfirmaet Simonsen Vogt Wiig | TMT: Information Technology2024 | Band 4 | 1 Years RankedTrine Vabog enters the rankings as a result of her noteworthy activity in the IT space. She is well placed to assist with the procurement of ERP systems and data analytics platforms.
Up and Coming
U Stian Hultin OddbjørnsenAdvokatfirmaet Haavind AS | TMT: Information Technology2024 | Up and Coming | 2 Years RankedNew to the rankings, the up-and-coming Stian Hultin Oddbjørnsen frequently advises public sector clients and corporates on IT projects, contracts and cloud services, as well as disputes.U Theresa Schumacher WalbergWiersholm | TMT: Information Technology2024 | Up and Coming | 1 Years RankedTheresa Schumacher Walberg joins the rankings this year following impressive recognition for her IT expertise. She assists with the review of IT contracts as well as agreements pertaining to nationwide 5G networks.