Office Profile

29 Bedford Row Chambers

London Office

Current View

UK Bar


Provided by 29 Bedford Row Chambers

Head of Chambers: Alexis Campbell KC / Nicholas Allen KC

Senior Clerk: James Shortall

Clerks: Julie Holcombe, Ben Cross, Jamie Critchell

Fees Clerk: Steve Pickin

Chambers Administrator: Nicola Kessell

Tenants: 61


29 Bedford Row Chambers is committed to providing its clients with an effective and efficient legal service. It operates from two Grade II listed buildings in the heart of legal London, and offers ten AV suites for conferences and remote or hybrid court hearings.


Chambers offers specialist expertise at every level of seniority in all aspects of family law including matrimonial finance, children (both public and private law), child abduction, cohabitation law, domestic violence and under the Civil Partnership and Inheritance Acts. Chambers has a strong team of top flight financial remedy practitioners. Several members practise as mediators and several others are qualified as IFLA finance and/or children arbitrators and/or as collaborative lawyers. Many members also chair private FDRs and Early Neutral Evaluation hearings and, with ten conference rooms (one of which is set up as a ‘private’ courtroom), chambers is well suited to these ever more important forms of non-court dispute resolution. Some members accept Direct (Public) Access instructions. Several former members of chambers have taken judicial appointments, and many current members sit as Deputy High Court Judges or as Recorders or Deputy District Judges. Chambers organises a comprehensive seminar programme which is highly regarded by solicitors and trainees and also supports initiatives to increase equality and diversity at the Bar. Members of chambers appear in courts around the country and internationally.


Chambers is served by eight full time clerks and a dedicated fees clerk, allowing work to be processed quickly and efficiently. The clerks’ room is open between 8.30 am and 6.00 pm, but emergency contact is always available outside that time. The clerking team is praised for its efficient, friendly and commercial approach.

For information about the work of chambers generally, or the practice of individual members of chambers in particular, please contact the Senior Clerk, James Shortall, or visit the website –


This content is provided by 29 Bedford Row Chambers. Learn more about our methodology

UK - Head office
29 Bedford Row , London, Greater London, UK, WC1R 4HE


Email: [email protected]

Tel: (020) 7404 1044