Office Profile

Bradford Andresen Norrie & Camarotto

Bloomington Office

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Provided by Bradford Andresen Norrie & Camarotto

Founding Partners: Mark Bradford, Scott Andresen, Jonathan Norrie, David Camarotto

Managing Partner: David Camarotto

Total Attorneys: 9

Bradford Andresen Norrie & Camarotto (BANC) specializes in handling high stakes disputes for sophisticated clients. BANC attorneys are among the region's most well-respected civil litigators, advisors, and mediators in the following practice areas:


Business Litigation

Catastrophic Loss and Personal Injury Litigation

Commercial Litigation

Construction Litigation

Construction Mediation

Education Investigations

Employment Counseling, Investigations, and Litigation

Employment Mediation

ERISA Litigation

Medical Malpractice Defense

Product Liability Litigation

BANC attorneys have tried more than 50 cases to juries and arbitrators and argued more than 200 appeals in state and federal courts across the region. The firm prides itself on achieving successful results for clients through a culture of excellence while honoring the commitment to civility at the heart of the legal profession.


This content is provided by Bradford Andresen Norrie & Camarotto. Learn more about our methodology

USA - Head office
3600 American Boulevard West, Suite 670 , Bloomington, Minnesota, USA, MN 55431


Tel: 612-474-1811