Office Profile

Cloth Fair Chambers

London Office

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Provided by Cloth Fair Chambers

Head of Chambers: John Kelsey-Fry KC 

Senior Clerk: Dean Brown 

Tenants: 12  


Cloth Fair Chambers is a unique set of Chambers made up of seven King’s Counsel and five junior barristers, each recognised for their proven performance at the very top tier of the fraud, criminal and regulatory bar. Since Chambers inception in 2006, members have been involved in most of the notable cases involving corporations, senior executives and high-profile individuals - very often involving multiple jurisdictions - who have either successfully avoided litigation altogether or developed the best strategic position in preparation for it.


Corporate & Financial Crime: Cloth Fair has an established reputation as the leading set of chambers for work in this area. All members hold a significant market position for advising and representing individual and corporate clients in landmark financial crime cases. Members of Chambers are routinely instructed for individuals and corporations dealing with allegations across the financial crime spectrum such as bribery and corruption, money laundering, corporate fraud and false accounting, insider dealing and tax fraud. Often the investigation spans across jurisdictions and involve differing prosecutorial bodies. A significant proportion of the work undertaken falls outside of the public domain. Those investigations that have made it into the public domain in recent years include; Barclays/Qatar, Alstom, Afren, Petrofac, Rolls Royce, Tesco, ENRC & Unaoil.

General Crime: Chambers has a long and distinguished reputation for defending in high-profile general crime cases, usually for clients in the public eye.

Regulatory & Disciplinary: As well as dealing with any parallel criminal investigations, members of Chambers are often instructed for individuals and corporations to advise and appear in front of a number of professional bodies, disciplinary tribunals and regulatory authorities. Cases in recent years have included bodies and tribunals such as the FCA, GMC, CMA, FRC, GDC, BHA & Gambling Commission.

Extradition and International Law: Significant experience acting on behalf of defendants, requesting states and interested parties in high-profile and complex extradition matters.


Members of chambers are regularly instructed to advise and represent clients in foreign jurisdictions such as Hong Kong, Singapore, India & Trinidad and Tobago.


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UK - Head office
39-40 Cloth Fair, London, Greater London, UK, EC1A 7NR


Tel: (020) 7710 6444