Office Profile

Feigen & Graf

Frankfurt am Main Office

Current View

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Provided by Feigen & Graf

Firm Overview:

For more than 20 years now, we have been the embodiment of the comsummate defence lawyer for all our clients. During this time, our lawyers have been present at almost all major proceedings involving commercial criminal law.

With a total of 29 legal professionals spanning our three locations in Frankfurt, Cologne and Munich, we are the largest law firm in Germany specialising solely in commercial and tax criminal law.

Along with customised advisory services and defence throughout all phases of the proceedings, the main focus of our activities has always been on advising and representing corporates of all sectors – from international groups to SMEs – in the area of criminal law. We guide our clients through crises and solve problems: fast, effective and with a clear resolve.

Another focus area of our firm are compliance investigations. In fact, we are one of the few law firms in Germany specialising in criminal defence that have the experience, resources and the technical expertise to independently conduct complex compliance investigations.

Practice Areas:

Corporate advisory

Defence counsel

Compliance investigations

Tax litigation

Main Areas of Practice:

Criminal law focusing particularly on white collar and tax crime (money laundering, illegal employment, tax evasion: real estate transfer tax evasion, wage tax evasion, donation tax evasion, cum/ex and ADR cases, etc.)

Preventative criminal counseling (Compliance)

Advice and strategy when government investigations or prosecutions are possible or imminent

Support and monitoring of responses to compliance investigations

Anti-corruption and dawn raid trainings for various clients

Key Clients: various (foreign) banks and DAX 30/M-Dax institutes as well as (public-known) individual clients

Managing Partners: Dr. Bernd Groß, Dr. Walther Graf, Dr Andreas Minkoff

Number of partners: 6 Equity Partners (3 in Frankfurt, 2 in Cologne, 1 in Munich); 2 Local Partner

Number of lawyers: 29

Languages: English, German


Dr Bernd Groß (Frankfurt)

T: +49 69 770 196 0

E: [email protected]

Dr Walther Graf (Cologne)

T: +49 221 5005 1500

E: [email protected]

Dr Andreas Minkoff (Munich)

T: +49 89 / 357 690 6-00

E: [email protected]


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Germany - Head office
Liebigstraße 53, Frankfurt am Main, Hessen, Germany, 60323


Email: [email protected]

Tel: +49 69 7701 960

Fax: +49 69 7701 9696
